Chapter 15

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Tris PoV

Next time I open my eyes, I can actually see figures. There are eight people here.

"Hey Tris." I hear someone say. I'm pretty sure its Zeke.

"Oh look. Sleeping beauty finally woke up." a strange voice says. It doesn't belong to anyone. Finally my vision focuses and the only person I know in the room is Zeke.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask. I need to know where Tobias is.

Okay so everybody is in black suits. Covering their face and all of their body. I could tell which one was Zeke because of this eyes. Green with a light tint of blue.

Everyone else is a stranger to me. None of the voices are familiar to me. Well except four voices. My eyes bulge out when I finally realize who those four are.





Damn it! how did they find me. Wait Zeke is with them. Why is Zeke with them?

Every person I don't know are staring at me.

"Well, Stiff I think its time to go. Zeke get her up.  We got to get out before that over protective boyfriend gets back." Peter commands. I hate that ignorant bastard.

"Okay." Zeke says. He reaches for me and throws me over his shoulder. "I'm sorry Tris." he whispers in my ear.

"What would Shauna think of you right know?" I whisper back. Hissing at him. I can't believe he turned his back on his friends.

He sighs in response and he keeps walking. There is no one in the hallway which probably means its night time.

Where the heck are they taking me? Where's Tobias? I thought he said he would be here for me. Forever. Wait he doesn't know. Okay so its not his fault he's not here. Its thier's. And Zeke. My boyfriend's best friend. A traitor to his own people.

Tobias PoV

The hospital let me stay the night so I could stay with Tris. She looks so beautiful when she's asleep. I can't believe that she is still asleep. Its been two days since the last time she made any movement. When she did, joy flowed through me. I want to be there for her the rest of my life.

I need to go get something to eat. Thank god there is a vending machine down the hall. I get up and kiss Tris on the forehead one more time and leave the room. I walk about half way down the hallway when I get to the vending machine. Finally. I put my money in and get a Coke and some chips. I make my way back to Tris' room when I see movement down the hall. There about seven people down the hall and some one that looks a lot like Zeke. I really hope its not him. But what does he have against Tris?

Nothing. That's the answer. He must have been with them the whole time and now I have put Tris at risk just because of my poor judgment.

I hide behind a corner before they can see me. Deciding I need to move so I can see what is happening, I cross the hallway until I get to a hallway pretty close to her room. I listen intensely.

"Zeke get her up." That's all I hear before I fill with rage. My best friend. Taking Tris from me. That's when I realize who told Zeke to do that. Peter.

That just makes me want to kill him even more. But first I need to save Tris from Zeke and Peter and whoever the other people are.

I decide to jump out on them and beat the crap out of them. But then something hits my head. Hard. It was some type of metal object and I turn around to see Drew holding it. He is wear all black. All the way down.

Before I knew what happened, he punched me right in the gut. I slouched a little, not ready for the impact. I kick him in the chest and he falls backwards. He was trying to get back up but I was too quick for him. I began to kick and punch him in his legs, arms, torso, and face. So pretty much, his whole body.

After a while, when I knew he was unconscious, I turn around and see Eric, Peter, Tris and Zeke.

Zeke. My best friend and he betrayed me. He is a traitor. Eric and Peter have evil grins on their faces but Tris doesn't. Actually I'm not even sure if she was awake. If they harmed her in any way possible, I will pull their eyes out and make them watch me rip them limb from limb. Then feed them to an hyena. I don't care how odd that sounds. It just feels right.

Next thing I know. I'm on the floor with pain shooting through my arm. They shot me in the arm. Now they will pay back.

They kick and punch me as I try to cover my head but its no use. I can't move one of my arms and the other one is being stepped on so I don't use it.

Next thing I know.


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