Chapter 12

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Tris PoV

Its been about a month since I got abused by Tobias's father. I hate that bastard. I still have a scar on my face from the punch below my eye but the one on my jaw is gone. I hated the stinging feeling from the belt whip too. There is a mark there too. Like a thick red line all around my wrist. It hurts like heck.

Well today is Monday and I'm driving my new car to school. Its a dark, shiny blue Ferrari and only Christina has seen it since she came with me to get it. Since she went with me to go get it instead of shopping, I promised her I would give her a ride. Which I am keeping my word too.

When I pick her up, her and Will come out of her house. Holding hands. Once they get in the car I couldn't help myself. "AWWWWWW ARE YOU TWO DATING?" I say in the most girliest voice I have ever squealed in. It frightens me a little. I look over at Christina, I'm laughing. She is just sitting there blushing and looking in her lap, Will looks the same way. My question is answered by their silence. "Well okay." I say finally pulling out of the drive way.

Once we get to school they jump out immediately. I wonder what that's all about? I shrug it off and get out. I get out and walk away in time before any one can see me. Minutes later there is a crowd around my car. I laugh a little. Then I see Four. I have no idea what happened with him but after a week of that abuse thing he started treating me like a piece of garbage. He won't talk to me unless its an insult. I don't know if he is still that best friend I had when I was little. But who knows, people change. Besides he could have just been acting, like really, who cares about me besides my family and Christina.

Zeke, Uriah and Four have all actually turned their backs to me. I really have no idea why. They still talk to everyone else just not me. I feel like a complete ghost.

The bell rings and I go inside the building. I don't really want to be looking at the people who betrayed me. I find Christina and say "Hey girl. So why were you so quiet today?"

"Oh no reason." she says and quickly walks away. Strange. I'm completely confused now. What the heck did I do? I walk to my locker and no one is there so I get my stuff and start to head to homeroom.

I bump into someone by mistake "Oh I'm so sorry." I say. Bending down to pick up my stuff.

"Yeah you better be." I look up and see Four looking down at me with an angry face on. I don't really want to get in between that so I just gather my stuff up again without making eye contact. And make my way into class.

The teacher passes out papers for something, I forgot what and she says something about a project. I don't really listen because I'm trying to figure out what I did. "Tris!" says the teacher.

"Um...yes" I say realizing everyone is looking at me.

"Looks like Stiff took too many hits to the head." I hear Peter say. I give him a death glare but he just smirks.

"Well Tris. What would you like to say to your class?" the teacher asks.

"What? What did I do?" Confusion takes over me. What did I do.

"That's it Tris go outside and sit in the hallway." 

"What the heck did I do? And besides I would probably storm out of here anyway trying to figure it out. So thanks for giving me the permission." I say, anger filling me. I get my backpack and walk out of class. I run down the hallway and go outside. I find a tall tree and start to climb it.

In the distance, I hear my name being called. I look towards the school and see Four running out of the school. Great! I get yelled at by a teacher and now Four. He looks around and I guess he sees me and heads to my tree. Once he is at the bottom of the tree, I am at the top.

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