Chapter 21

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Tris PoV

So its after school and we are heading to the Dauntless Compound. Its this huge arena that has different activities in different sections.

But before that, Uriah, being himself, whined about not being able to sit in the passengers seat. That's where I'm sitting. Tobias is driving. Will and Zeke are next to Uriah.

When we get there, my backpack falls over in the car.

"Dammit" I murmur to myself.

Since we are parked, Tobias gets out and comes to my side of the car and helps me. He finds my student ID from when we were kids, before he moved.

He just stares at it for a while until he decides to speak up. "So why was your last name Cloud? You know, when we were little but not anymore."

"Oh because that was my nickname that I never understood. No one ever told me why I had it but yeah. People would just say 'Beatrice Cloud' and I just started to respond. You just had the misfortune to think that was my real name." I explain.

"Oh." he says.

"Oh Oh Oh! Here comes everyone else!" Uriah shrieks like a little girl.

"Oh Brother." Zeke says rolling his eyes.

"Yes Brother?" Uriah says looking up to Zeke.

Zeke slaps Uriah on the back of his head.

"Ow!" Uriah cries as he makes a fake pouty face. "What was that for?"

Zeke just stares at Uriah until everyone gets out of the car.

"Hey guys!" yells Christina as she steps out of the car.

"Hey girls!" Uriah screams waving his arms on all directions.

"Let's get the game started before I smack Uriah. Again." Zeke says.

We all walk in and go to the paintball section. Paying for our equipment rental, we get it on. The vest is just a little big on me but one size down is way too small. Well enter the arena and we instantly scatter to our groups.

Me and the other girls on one side and the boys on the other. We picked a landscape that resembles an old fair ground that has been shut down for awhile. There is a merry-go-round and a Ferris wheel. Other carnival type rides are here too.

There is also a line of trees that circle around the fair grounds. We decide to go hide up in trees and watch to the ground. 

When we all get a tree, we scan the floor. Movement comes from my left and I start to take my aim.

"Oh come on!" I hear Will yell. I didn't shoot yet, someone else must have.

"Sorry baby!" Christina yells down. Bad move girl. A shot goes off.

"Dammit Four!" Christina shouts.

Since we have one out and so do they, I decided to make it a little more... interesting. "Hey guys, which ever team wins, the opposite team has to be their servants for the rest of the week. And, they have to dress up in something that Christina picks out for them and go to school in it. But if the girls loose, I get to pick out Christina's outfit. 'I' means Tris Prior. More details after this game." I yell across the arena. There is silence.

I look down at the ground beneath me and see Tobias and Zeke looking around. I am in the tallest tree in the room so I get a great view, though limited. 

"Dude, we can't let the girls win this. We will be the laughing stock at school. I can' t have that." Zeke whispers to Tobias. Well not whispers, considering I can hear him.

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