Chapter 20

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Tobias PoV

Well, the day rolled by pretty fast and in a blur. Nothing happened except for getting some homework, getting lectured by a teacher. Oh and of course, Tris saying yes when I asked her to be my girl friend. Like I know I practically asked her to say yes, but she could have said no if she wasn't that into me.

I decide to text everyone during lunch. Yes, I know we are all at the same table but a lot of people do it. 

I was sitting next to Tris, on her other side was Christina. On my other side was Zeke and Shauna was next to him. Then Lynn, Marlene, Uriah, then Will. We all have our phones out. Its kind of weird because I am so used to hiding my phone from teachers, I do that during lunch. But we can have them out during lunch.

Me/4: Hey

Zeke/Z: Hey bro

Tris/T: Heyz

Uriah/ U: whats up pansycakes

Christina/ C: hey

Will/ W: hi

Marlene/ M: hello

Lynn/L: hi

T: So what's everyone doing after school

C: nothing

U: probably hanging with you guys

Z: nothing

4: nothing

W: nothing




T: well how about we go somewhere after school

M: cool. like where

U: park?

C: no its supposed to rain later today

Z: Dauntless Diner?

L: no, nothing to do there besides eat Dauntless cake

Z: and how could anything be better than that? :)

I look up from my phone and slap Zeke on the back of his head. Everyone is looking up and laughing at what I just did.

Tris: Oh oh oh know!!!

4: what

M: what is it


Z: wat

W: what

S: what

U: just spit it out already.

Tris looks up and leans in like this top secret information. Everyone leans in as well. "Paintball."

We all nod.

"So what are the teams?" Christina asks.

"Me, Four, Tris, and Zeke against you guys." Uriah says pointing to everyone he didn't say.

"No way. You have Four AND Zeke AND Tris. That's not fair " Christina says.

"Life's not fair." Uriah counters.

"Well there has to be at least one good player on each team. Which means one or two of you guys have to split off." Will says.

"Girls against boys. How about that? that way we get Tris and Uriah gets most of his dream paintball team." Marlene says while Uriah puts his arm around her.

"Sure" we all say.

[Heyz... so i am so losing the vibe on this. Does anyone want to give me any ideas on what to do next? I have hit a writers block for this. 

To be honest I might just rewrite this one, how does that sound to everyone?

Oh and Thanks for the 4.5K reads!!!! Still gotta <4 you guys!]

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