Chapter 23

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[I am sorry I didn't update when I said I would. I had a birthday party that I forgot I was going to. I would have updated earlier but I dislike short chapters. Well.....see ya later bros!! <4]

"WE NEED TO GET YOU INTO CLOTHES!" the same person shouts. There are five figures standing at the end of the ally.

" Guys! Quick! RUN!" I shout as I turn the other way and run.

I can tell that the boys are right behind me.

"Split up!" Uriah yells.

We all turn in different directions except for me and Tobias. We still run away though.

After running for about five minutes, we come to a dead end.

"Dammit " Tobias says under his breathe.

I look around to see if there is another way out. There is. Two poles that are about a foot thick. They are like a ladder.

"Tobias." I say pointing to the poles.

He nods and we take our poles. We start to climb. About half way up, I realize what these are for. To hold up train tracks.

"Tobias, when is the next train?" I ask.

"Um.....In five minutes." he says looking at his watch.

The train stop is about four minutes away. So it would be passing by here any time now.

"Hey, a train passes by here soon. If we can get up there in time, we can jump on the train." I say.

He nods and we climb faster.

We reach the top right when lights. Train lights

"You ready?" he asks.

"Yes." I says starting to run. He follows behind me.

A few cars pass us but we keep running. After a little bit, we decide to go into the last car.

We jump in swiftly and take a seat.

"Ah, all alone now." he says walking over to where I sat down. He takes the seat next to me and puts his arm around my waist. Pulling me towards him.

"Yeah" I say quietly closing my eyes and facing him. I can feel our foreheads touching and our breath mixing as we breathe in and out.

It feels like we've spent an eternity sitting here.

"Tris." Tobias says.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Do you want to go back to my place?" he asks pulling away slightly.

"Sure," I shrug. I dislike his house a lot. It just has too many bad memories for Tobias.

A minute later we jump off of the train and we are near our neighborhood. We walk in silence as we get to the house.

When we finally get there and walk straight in. Everything is where it was.

We go and sit on the couch and start to watch TV. Tobias wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer.

Flipping through channels, I find nothing worth watching.

"Hey wanna just watch a movie?" I ask looking at Tobias and getting up. I start to walk into the kitchen as I hear him follow.

"Sure. So what are you doing?"

"You can't watch a movie and not have popcorn." I say like its completely obvious.

"of course." Tobias says rolling his eyes. He turns around and goes out to the living room. "So what movie do you want to watch?"

"What do you have?" I ask taking out three bags of popcorn. and a big metal bowl.

"Um.... give me a second." he says.

I rip the plastic off of the bags and through the plastic away. Pop one bag in and set it for the right amount of time. Take it out. Open it. Pour it into the bowl and repeat twice.

"We have Frozen, Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Underdog, and more. Any that suit you?" Tobias asks as I enter the room with a big metal bowl in one hand and two cups of soda in the other. He looks up and sees me carrying all of this. "Let me help you Tris. Why didn't you tell me you were carrying this much." He says concerned as I gets up and takes the drinks from me.

"Im sorry. I thought I could hold it. I got pretty far actually." I say putting the bowl on the coffee. "Um let's watch Frozen. I absolutely love Olaf."

"Okay Tris. Anything for you." Tobias says giggling.

He gets up and puts in Frozen. After fast forwarding past ads, we start watching. I cuddle up next Tobias and he pulls me closer to him.

By the part where they meet Olaf, Tobias is sleeping. More popcorn for me.

When the movie ends, I nudge him slightly.

"Wha-What." he says shaking his head out.

"Movies over. I think we should go to sleep." I say getting up pulling on his arm.

"But I don't wanna get up." he whines.

"Fine," I say crossing my arms and lifting my chin up. "I'll go to sleep by myself."

I turn and start walking up the stairs to Tobias's room. Almost halfway up, I am picked up and carried up the stairs. I scream at whoever picked me up and I kick and punch them.

Hearing a familiar laugh, I stop kicking and punching. "Tobias. Put me down. Now." I pout.

"I'm not going to sleep by myself Tris. You are coming with me." He says smirking.

Once we get to his room, he throws me on his bed and goes to the bathroom. I get under the covers and snuggle in. Tobias walks out a few minutes later without his shirt. I can't help but stare at him. And as usual, he smirks.

"Like what you see, babe?" he asks flexing his muscles.

He crawls into bed with me and wraps his arms around me.

"Yes. Yes I do." I say giving him a kiss.

We both fall asleep a few minutes later with no problem.

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