Chapter 4

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Blaze and I raced across the arena, determined to get to the dummy before the other team, when a blue hologram came running towards me and smacked right into my right side. I landed hard on the floor but took the opportunity to knock the holograms feet out from under him. The hologram fell and I took out my stimulate gun and shot him. The hologram faded away. Blaze reached his hand out to help me up as a hologram of his own faded away. I gratefully took it and pulled myself up as another hologram came running towards us, with a gun. I shot the hologram, narrowly missing Blaze's head. Across from us, Star and Thunder were back to back, shooting at the holograms and in return, the holograms were shooting at them.

"Get the dummy, I'll hold them off!" Blaze yelled over the sound of gunfire. Everything felt so real, yet we were battling holograms that faded and using guns that didn't shot bullets. I shot a hologram in front of me and dashed ahead so I could reach the dummy first. Blaze was shooting holograms left and right. I was shooting at the holograms coming at me and dodged the bullets they shot. I tried to fire but heard the click of the gun that signaled my gun was out of bullets. I was almost at the dummy so I sprinted faster and steered clear of the holograms. When one got close to me, I punched the gun out of his hand, which faded into nothingness. It tried to punch my face but I moved my head in the nick of time so the blow landed on my shoulder instead. I kicked it in the stomach and watched with satisfaction as it faded away. I continued running towards the dummy and grabbed it a millisecond before Star reached to grab it. I smiled in triumph as the rest of the holograms faded away and Blaze jogged up to me. We grabbed each others hands and bowed as our small audience clapped. I had done this training many times before but it was Blaze's first time and we had won!

"Rose and Blaze, please come with me." Cherry called to us. My smile dropped slightly, and I wondered if I was in trouble but quickly pushed the thought away, I haven't screwed up recently. I realised that I was still holding Blaze's hand and awkwardly dropped it. Blaze and I both followed Cherry to her office, and I started getting excited, would I get to be called to another mission?

"Come, sit." Cherry motioned to the seats. Cherry sat across the desk from Blaze and I, staring us down. "I saw both of you in the training session. Rose, that was the best I have ever seen you do in training and Blaze, you did wonderfully for your first time," I couldn't help but grin at the complement. "Since both of you do such a great job as a team, I am going to send you guys on a mission to retrieve some revolutionary technology that was stolen, it was meant to help locate some dangerous outlaws. I will send out the details tomorrow." Cherry finished. I was so thrilled to be sent on anther mission that I almost squealed. Cherry dismissed Blaze and I after giving us some more details.

"Can you believe it? We get to go on a mission! It's been a while since I last went on one!" I babbled, bouncing with excitement.

"I suppose." Blaze mumbled, seeming distracted.

"How are you not jumping up and down? This is your first ever mission!" I exclaimed.

"I am excited, but something just seems a little off, don't we already have technology to track outlaws?" Blaze questioned.

"Well yeah but this technology we have to get is probably way more advanced." Blaze shook his head slightly.

"Your right, I'm worrying about nothing. After all, it is my first mission." Blaze smiled gently but I could tell he was still doubting the mission.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at the mission." I smiled. 

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