Chapter 18

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The house rattled, unknowingly, I had reached for Blaze's hand for comfort.

"It's Cherry!" I heard Nora shout in alarm.

"How'd she find us?" I muttered more to myself then anyone. Nora, Mr. Slash and the other three spies that had come dashed out the door, I heard Nora speaking to someone about calling for back up. I was about to run out the door as well to figure out what was going on, when I felt Blaze grab my arm and pull me back. I was agitated that he wasn't letting me fight but then I saw the look in his eyes, he seemed concerned but there was another emotion there as well that I couldn't place.

"Rose, before you go, I have to tell you, I like you, like you like you. A lot." Blaze said, his voice filled with emotion.

"Blaze-" I started, but got cut off when I felt Blaze's soft lips against mine. I was so surprised I stood there, rigid, for a second, but then I felt myself start to kiss him back. The kiss was urgent but sweet at the same time. It was the best first kiss I could imagine, but even as I kissed him, Blake was in the back of my mind. However, for the first time in my life, I pushed him away.

Blaze gently pulled away from me.

"Be careful." He whispered, then ran outside to the fight, leaving me standing alone. For a couple of seconds, I just stared blankly at nothing in particular, going over in my mind what had just happened. Then I heard a crash outside which brought me back to reality. Even as I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and took out my gun, I could still feel the whisper of Blaze's lips on mine.

The first thing that caught my eyes was Cherry, she was fighting Nora, and winning. Cherry hadn't brought much people with her but we were still out numbered two-to-one. I ran over to Blaze, who was fighting two people. His gun was lying on the floor, a couple feet away from him. I picked up the gun, then shot one of his attackers in the leg. Blaze took advantage of the other attackers surprise and knocked him out.

Blaze and I made eye contact, and I tossed his gun to him. My eyes found Nora, who was lying still on the ground, blood oozing out of her arm. Cherry had a gun aimed at her chest, about to finish her off. No one could help her, everyone else was down. It was only Blaze and I.

"Cherry!" I yelled, in hopes of distracting her. It worked. She aimed at me and fired. Blaze pushed me to the ground just in time. I could've sworn I heard the bullet whiz by. We both got back up and charged towards Cherry. Before she could fire again, Blaze knocked the gun out of her hand and was about to attack again when someone else appeared behind Blaze and grabbed him. I charged towards Cherry, hatred burning in my eyes. However, that hatred also blinded me, I didn't notice the device Cherry pulled out of her belt and shocked me with. I fell to the ground, unable to move. I blinked slowly, everything was going in and out of focus. I heard Cherry's shrill laugh and it cut through me like a knife. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw outline of Blaze being held like a prisoner in his attacker's arms, desperately trying to escape but not making any progress. Cherry grabbed my hair and yanked me up. I gritted my teeth and seethed.

"It's pathetic, really, you two actually thought you could beat me." Cherry laughed.

"Why are you doing this?" I tried to yell it but it came out more like a whisper. Cherry's eyes hardened.

"As a child, no one noticed me, I was just another face in the crowd. Even my parents acted like I was invisible. But not any more, when I take total power, everyone will notice me, everyone will know my name." Cherry spat. "Now, Vanilla Gold, won't you come here?" Cherry grinned maliciously. Vanilla Gold appeared, tears running down her bruised face.

"I'm sorry Rose! She had my parents." Vanilla Gold sobbed. I just stared blankly at her, my mind not able to comprehend what was happening.

"Now, Vanilla Gold has shared with us a very important piece of information," Cherry smiled, "your identity." I gasped. How could Vanilla Gold have done this? I had trusted her! I felt so betrayed that I didn't say anything. I glanced at Blaze, he had sagged into his captors tight grip and wasn't fighting anymore. I had never looked more defeated. His eyes widened when he heard what Cherry had said.

"We were able to find your family thanks to that piece of information. They are now prisoner to me. Now come on Rose, why don't you say your real name and show Blaze who you really are." That was how the Disguise Box deactivated. I had to say my real name and then the Disguise Box would reveal my true identity. I saw Blaze shaking his head.
 "What are you so afraid of Rose? Are you afraid he won't love you if he knows your real identity?" Cherry said. Tears started to steam down my eyes. Yes, I was afraid. I was a nobody without my disguise. I was just a normal, boring girl without it. Blaze would never love me if he knew who I really was.

"Perhaps you need some motivation." Cherry laughed and nodded to Blaze's captor. He took out a gun and pointed it to Blaze's head.

"No! Stop! Please stop! I'll say it!" I screeched. Cherry nodded again to the captor who put his gun away. Blaze bit his captors hand, which was covering his mouth.

"Rose-" Blaze started but his captor regained control of Blaze and placed his hand more firmly over Blaze's mouth.

"It's ok Blaze," I whispered. "Eloisa, my name is Eloisa." I said it loud and clear although I already felt myself crumbling on the inside. Almost translucent blue boxes appeared all over my body and then started to fade again, revealing my true identity.

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