Chapter 25

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"Did you honestly think it would be that easy to escape?" Cherry questioned menacingly. I started to charge towards her, determined to make her pay for everything she had put me through but Jacob grabbed me and held me back.

"Not now." He whispered in my ear.

"Guards! Take them away." Cherry commanded. Four guards came and roughly grabbed Jacob and I. Instead of them taking us to my room, like I had thought they would, they instead took us to a real cell and chased our hands up to the ground. I tried pulling them off but couldn't. Now I understood why Cherry had locked me in a room instead of a cell. She wanted me to think I could escape, only to drag me away when I tried. Now, I had lost hope, how could I escape with my hands chained to the ground?

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this." I apologised to Jacob, slumping against the wall.

"It's alright, I chose to do this." Jacob said. "But don't worry, the universal spies will come back for us." I shook my head.

"I hope they don't." I muttered. Jacob looked at me, confused. "Don't you see? This is a trap. As soon as Blaze enters this building, it's over. He's the key to the GDB, the only reason we're still alive is for bait." I explained. Surprisingly, I didn't cry, I guess I don't have any tears left. Jacob didn't reply and seemed lost in thought.

We had only be sitting in silence for about half an hour when the door was slammed open. Jacob and I immediately shot up to our feet and I couldn't believe my eyes! It was Blaze.

"Eloisa!" He cried and started to run over to me.

"No! Stop! It's a trap!" I warned. Jacob was right, Blaze looked awful, his hair was a mess and he had dark circles beneath his eyes. Blaze ignored my warning and held me in a hug.

"It's ok, I'll get you out of this." Blaze took out a pen and clicked the button at the top, which shot a laser out. He aimed it at the chains and they slowly started to break.

"Blaze, please, you have to leave, Cherry's going to get you." My voice cracked. Jacob was nodding his head in agreement.

"We'll be fine." Jacob assured.

"No. I'm not going to lose you again." Blaze said with determination, and broke one chain off my hand. He moved to the other chain, that was when he noticed the brand Cherry had put on me.

"Who did this to you?" Blaze yelled, a fire raging in his eyes. I was about to reply when we heard footsteps. Cherry.

"Me of course." Cherry taunted. Blaze clenched his fists and started towards Cherry.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. One wrong move and Eloisa's burn will be the least of your worries."

"What do you want for me?" Blaze demanded, his fists still clenched.

"Don't you see? I want to take away the power from the government and become the ruler. I deserve the glory! I've waited too long."

"Does the Spy Corporation know about this?" Blaze pushed.

"Of course not, they might as well be a bunch of idiots who do whatever I say."

I was confused. Blaze already knew the answers to these questions, why was he asking them? That's when I saw it. The worlds smallest camera, disguised as a button on Blaze chest pocket. The only way I knew that was because he didn't have a button on his other pocket. I couldn't help but smile slightly. Of course, this was how they were going to show the Spy Corporation that Cherry is a fraud.

"Tell you what, I'll make you a deal," Cherry took out the GDB and pushed a button which opened up a small panel. "I'll let both of them go and all you have to do is put a drip of your blood on this panel. Don't do it and they stay with me. Forever." Blaze looked confused but still furious.

"Blaze, don't do it! It'll activate the GDB and this will all be worthless!" I pleaded. The tears I didn't think were there anymore slid down my face. Blaze turned to me, with an emotion in his eyes I now recognised as love. He gently put his hands against e cheeks and wiped away my tears. With my free hand, I held onto his arm.

"Eloisa, I love you." He proclaimed softly. Despite the situation, my heart soared,

"I-I love you too." I whispered back as if those simple words were too delicate to be used hastily and had to be used with caution. I felt my heart flutter and knew it was true. I loved Blaze, I had always loved him and I did not want to let it go so easily. Blaze smiled brightly and his eyes shone, he was the happiest I had ever seen him, but then his smile shrunk when he tuned back around to face Cherry.

Cherry smirked and took out a pin. Despite my protests, Blaze took it from her and was about to prick his finger to draw blood to activate the GDB when a knife flew by, right in between Cherry and Blaze. Cherry furiously turned to find out who the attacker was. I saw a shimmer of light blonde hair and immediately knew it was Vanilla Gold.

Vanilla Gold walked inside the open cell door and Cherry immediately started to attack her. Blaze took the opportunity to free Jacob and I. By then, Vanilla Gold had backed Cherry into a corner.

"Your outnumbered Cherry." Jacob commented with a smirk.

"Am I?" She said with a smirk to match Jacob's, and threw the GDB over our heads and into a guards hands, who then ran off.

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