Chapter 26

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I started to run after the guard but Cherry grabbed my bad hand and twisted me around which made me screech in pain. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jacob, Vanilla Gold, Pearl, Nora and Slash chase after the guard, even Lucy and Lucas had came and were after him. At least I was certain they would stop him. For a split second I wondered how many other Universal spies were in the building.

I tried to kick Cherry in the ribs but she grabbed my foot before it could reach her and shoved me against the floor. I angrily stood back up, fire burning in my eyes but Blaze beat me to her.

By the time I reached her, Blaze had knocked Cherry to the floor.

"It's over!" Blaze yelled, furious. Cherry didn't say anything and didn't try getting up. I spun on my heel and turned exited the cell when I heard the sound of a bullet leaving a gun. I was knocked to the ground by Blaze. When I didn't hear another gunshot, I got up and slammed the cell door shut, locking Cherry inside.

Blaze stumbled when he got up and I quickly went over to help him.

"Blake?" I asked tenderly. "Did she get you?" I was afraid of the answer. Blaze shook his head and I let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Come on, we might be able to catch up with the others." Blaze pointed out. I nodded my head in agreement and started running so we could catch up.

I thought I would find the guard surrounded by the Universal Spies, I did not expect to find the Universal Spies surrounded by the guards. It looked like the guard had called for backup.

"I'll call in for more backup." Blaze commented and pressed a button on a bracelet he had been wearing. Suddenly, The GDB caught my eyes.

"There!" I yelled, pointing out the GDB and then charged into the heat of the fighting. Somehow, a different guard had ended up with the GDB and he was trying to get away from everyone. Lucy had noticed the guard with the GDB getting away and was chasing after him. I decided to help her out and cut him off. I ran faster then I had ever ran before to get there in time. I stood in front of the guard, blocking him off. He wildly looked around for another way out but found none when Lucy came up behind him.

"Hand it over! We've got you cornered." I said. The guard took out his gun and aimed it at me. I dived to the ground when he fired and Lucy to the opportunity of him not being focused on her to knock the guard to the ground. The GDB got knocked out of his hand and I quickly ran to grab it but instead I found myself face to face with a purple haired girl.

"Don't touch it!" She yelled. She tried to punch me but I ducked and swept her feet out from under her. She fell with a loud thud to the floor. I reached for the GDB but the girl knocked me down. I got up as quickly as I could but not in time, the girl had the GDB. From behind the girl, I saw Lucy come up behind the girl without her noticing and knocked her out. I quickly picked up the GDB while Pearl ran over to me. I noticed my father and some other spies were here now and helping out.

"We did it!" She exclaimed.

"Yes we did!" I said, smiling proudly and giving Lucy a high five.

I turned to face everyone who was in a frenzy, now that we had back up, we were overpowering the guards and they were starting to run away. Before it was too late, I dropped the GDB to the ground and stomped on it with all my might, breaking the box.

Once the fight had died down, Lucy and I went looking for Lucas and Blaze but instead we found Vanilla Gold. Surprising even myself, I ran up to her and gave her a hug. Vanilla Gold hesitated for a second then hugged me back.

"I forgive you," I whispered into her ear, "I understand why you did that and this fight made me realize I can't imagine life without one of my best friends in it." I finished. Vanilla Gold had tears in her eyes.

"Thank you."

"Rose!" I heard Pearl yell. "I found Blaze." The look on her face made the colour drain from my face. Pearl quickly led me to Blaze, who was lying on the floor, with his eyes closed. I quickly checked his pulse, he was alive. I found the cause and saw he was bleeding on his shoulder, probably from a bullet. It looked like someone had already tied a cloth above his injury to ease the bleeding.

"They have an ambulance coming." My father said. Until now, I hadn't noticed he was behind me. He put his arms around me and comforted me while medics took Blaze and others, including Nora, to the hospital. 

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