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I put my Disguise Box down on the floor and just looked at it for a couple seconds before leaving it and jogging to catch up with Lucy. We were at the Universal Spy Headquarters. After the fight, about two weeks ago, Lucy and Lucas had decided to join the Universal Spies. Pearl had shown the video of Cherry confessing everything she was planning to do to the Spy Corporation. Some people had left because they didn't believe her and some stayed. They had then elected a new leader of the Spy Corporation. The Spy Corporation was now a training center for beginner spies while the Universal Spy Headquarters became a more advanced training center, so they had merged together and were no longer enemy companies.

Blake had gotten out of hospital a couple days ago and was going to be fine, we now had matching scars on our shoulders. Blake's mother was also now spending more time with him and less at work, which was great, he seemed happier now. She had also explained the real reason his father had dies. My family had all recovered from being held as Cherry's prisoners and had explained how they knew my mother was actually Cherry in disguised but Cherry had threatened to hurt her if they told me. Evie was traumatized from the whole experience and never wanted to see a spy again while Jasper now wanted to become a spy when he gets older. My mother was taking a break from being a spy for a while.

We were all back to school now, which sucked for Blake and I since we had been gone for almost 2 months but the Nora had come up with an excuse for us. Nora had been injured in the fight too, and she now had to wear a cast on her foot for a month, I was surprised she had even come to the fight since she had an arm injury as well. She was truly a role model in my life.

"Good to see you guys here!" Nora exclaimed, limping. She refused to use crutches, it would hurt her pride. Blake and Lucas had just come in as well now. It was Lucas and Lucy's first day and they were getting a Disguise Box and got to chose how they would look and their code names. Blake had given up on the Disguise Box, like me.

While Lucas and Lucy got their disguises, Blake and I went into the Ceremony room. Everyone who helped out in destroying the GDB was going to be awarded.

An hour later, I was standing on stage, in front of all everyone. I was next to Blake, holding his hand, my family was all around me, even Jasper and Evie. Vanilla Gold, Pearl and Jacob were next to me too. Even Lucy and Lucas-in their new disguises were up there as well.

In that moment, standing next to Blake, with my family and friends surrounding me, life seemed just about perfect.


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