Chapter 16

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We arrived at the shooting spot, it was a desolate, sandy area with small hills and no trees. Vanilla Gold grabbed some glass bottles and a wide cardboard box which she put the bottles in. She then grabbed some milk cartons and a sharpie which she handed to Blaze and I.

"Draw something on it." She instructed, picking up the cardboard box with bottles in it to go set them up. I had no idea what I was meant to draw so I just drew a funny looking horse head on one of them and a rose on the other carton. I glanced over at what Blaze had drawn.

"Is that meant to be a worm?" I questioned with a laugh, pointing at the long fat thing he had drawn.

"No, it's a snake! Why would I draw a worm?" Blaze questioned, trying to hide back a smile.

"I don't know," I said with a shrug. "what about that one, is it a pig?" I questioned, gesturing to the other carton.

"Yep!" Blaze said happily, glad I had recognized one of his drawings. It was a huge pig head with with one eye bigger then the other and a bunch of other little pig heads floating around it.

"What's with all the other pig heads?" I questioned.

"The little pigs are all worshipping the big pig." Blaze said, as if that was a reasonable explanation.

"Come on," I started, trying to stifle my laughter, "let's go put these up." We went over to where Vanilla Gold had set up the box of bottles. She poured some water in the cartons so that they wouldn't tip over and we placed them randomly on the hill, then went back to grab the guns.

We started off easy, with the hand guns. The goal was to hit the glass bottles in one try. I hit the first one easy, since I was a spy, Blaze got the second one and Vanilla Gold got the third one until all the glass bottles had shattered. We then moved up to the shotguns. I had used a shot gun but it had been a while, spies normally stuck with hand guns. I took aim on my horse target and fired. The gun made me jump a bit and left my ears ringing. The horse rocked from side to side then finally fell down, water spilling out of it. We all ran over to see where I had hit-right in the horse's eye.

"Bulls eye!" Blaze exclaimed, "or should I say horses eye?" He questioned, laughing at his own joke. I laughed, although I would never say it out loud, I wasn't aiming for the eye. We shot a couple more rounds with the milk carton targets before Vanilla Gold brought out the clay pigeons. They weren't actually pigeons, just clay circles. We were meant to shot them while Vanilla Gold threw them in the air. The bullet we were using shot out more bullets when it was fired so we had a more likely chance of hitting the clay pigeon. I went up first while Vanilla Gold threw the clay pigeon in the air. I followed the pigeon with my gun for a second before I shot it and it exploded. I ginned, proud of myself. I did it two more times and hit them all, earning an eye roll from Blaze. I sat down in the back of the car, cold and hugging myself. Blaze went up next, he shot the first two down but missed the third.

"This proves I'm better then you!" I bragged. Blaze was about to retort when a cold breeze came in which made me shiver and hug myself tighter, wishing I had brought something more warm.

"Are you cold?" Blaze questioned gently, wrapping his arms around me. I started to turn red, and not from the cold.

"We can go-" Vanilla Gold got interrupted by a phone call. She picked it up and started talking to the caller. I saw the color drain from her face as she continued to talk to the person on the other line.

"I-I have to go, it's my parents, they need help." Vanilla Gold said as she hung up.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, we can help." I offered.

"No!" Vanilla Gold said quickly. "No, you guys have to stay out of sight, from Cherry." She said more softly. I wanted to argue but she was right. Besides, Vanilla Gold was more then capable to handle herself.

We cleaned up the mess and drove home in a hurry, this time Blaze and I sat inside the car, Blaze still had his arm around me, protectively, even though it wasn't cold anymore. I leaned against him, and laid my head on his shoulder, afraid and tired.

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