Chapter 13

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I stared at my house for a moment, gaping, before I was able to pull my mind back to reality. there were sections of our two story house had been blown off, no windows were left and the door looked like it had been kicked open. I heard sounds of a struggle going on inside the house and quickly ran inside. I heard footsteps following me and remembered that Blake was still here. I ran into the kitchen and found a full blown fight occurring.

"Mum! Dad!" I cried when I saw them fighting some people clothed in black. Calling their names was a mistake, they turned to look at me and their opponents took advantage of their surprise and lunged at them. My father was unprepared and fell back against the wall. However, my mother, being a spy, was able to use her quick reflexes and parry the attack. I saw Evie holding a frying pan, her eyes red, charging at an attacker and Jasper following after Evie with a spatula, a determined look on his face. There were about five people in black, my mum was fighting two, Evie and Jasper against another one. The other two were ransacking the house, searching for something. I charged to the other two, not realizing that they had guns. One of them heard me coming and raised his gun to shoot me but Blake ran to my aid and pushed me aside. I kicked out my legs and knocked my attacker to the floor, then picked up a saucepan lid that was laying on the floor and whacked it against his head, knocking him out. In the distance, I heard police sirens going off. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blake fighting his attacker very professionally for someone who probably didn't have experience with fighting. My mother had knocked out one of her attackers and Jasper and Evie had knocked out theirs. I was about to go help Blake when I heard my mother call me.

"Eloisa, quick take it, find Blaze and run somewhere far away." My mother handed me the box that Blaze and I had taken from our mission. I just realize that I had never actually seen it since I had gone unconscious.

"How'd you get-" I started.

"Not important, go!" My mother urged, then went to my father who was lying limply on the floor. I made eye contact with Evie and Jasper one last time, then turned around to see where Blake went but only found his limp attacker on the floor. I didn't have time to go find him, my mother had told me to get the box away from here. I quickly pulled out my Disguise Box, which I carried with me everywhere, and transformed into Rose, than dashed outside and almost ran right into anther man in black.

"Hand over the GDB!" The man commanded.

"The what?" I questioned, confused.

"That box!" The man said, pointing to it in my hand.

"How'd you know it was her?" I demanded, ignoring his question.

"Cherry sent us," the man was eyeing the box or GDB, "she placed a tracker on your jacket." He finished with a smirk. I stared in shock for a moment, there was no way Cherry would send these people to attack my family just for a box! However, my mind raced back to the night right before we started our mission, when Blaze and I were leaving, Cherry had called out to me and placed her hand on my shoulder, which she had never done before. She could have easily placed a tracker on my jacket. The same jacket that was probably sitting in my laundry right now. The colour from my face drained as I realised what Cherry had done. This was the mans intention, he took advantage of my shock and charged for the GDB. He would have succeeded if Blaze hadn't shown up and knocked him away.

"Blaze? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

"I could say the same about you." Blaze countered.

"I heard the police sirens." I lied.

"Speaking of which," Blaze gestured to all the police cars that had just arrived, "we should go." I searched frantically for my car and found it by some bushes.

"Check if the keys are in there." I said, I had probably left the keys in there from yesterday.

"They're in here. But isn't it wrong, stealing a car?" Blaze questioned uneasily. The question caught me off guard, I'd forgotten he didn't know it was my car.

"It's okay, I know the person who lives here, she'll be fine with it. I'll call her and let her know we took it." I lied. It was weird talking about myself like that.

"Speaking of her, do you know where Eloisa is? She was here a moment ago." The question caught me off guard.

"Yeah, I -uh got her to safety. Have you seen Blake?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, I got him away from here." Blaze said quickly, starting up the car. "Where to?"

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