Chapter 24

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I stood, staring out the window, watching the sunset and sighed. If the bars weren't on the window I could escape, although, I didn't know if I could do it with my arm. Some guards had given me medicine and bandages. I guess she didn't want to deal with me if the burn got infected. My bullet wound had only just healed but now I had this awful burn.

I tentatively started to undo the bandages so I could change them over. The burn was still raw but the scar it left was visible, it was a letter 'C' with flames surrounding it. I redid the bandages and sat in the desk, staring into nothingness.

Abruptly, I slammed my fist on the desk. I had to get out of here, I hated being kept here as Cherry's prisoner! As soon as I got out, I would personally make sure she got what she deserved. She had marked me, permanently, and I would make her pay for that and everything else she had done. I was going to show her that I was not hers to toy with.

That was when I came up with an idea, I picked up the chair with a wince and threw it at the mirror in the bathroom. I picked up a shard of sharp glass. Now, I just had to wait until the guard came to give me my food.

I crouched behind my bed so the guard wouldn't see me when he brought my food in. I didn't know what time my lunch came since there wasn't a clock, so I ended up crouched behind my bed for a good half an hour.

After what seemed like an eternity, the guard finally came in.

"Rose?" The guard questioned in a deep masculine voice when he realised he didn't see me. He stepped further into the room and shut the door behind him, then set the food on my desk.

"Rose?" He questioned again and started looking around the room to find me. I waited until he was distracted from all the shattered glass on the floor, when I pounced on him and held the glass shard against his neck. The guard tensed and tried to grab his gun but I kicked it out of his hand.

"Say your name. Your real name." I demanded, pressing the shard of glass deeper into his skin.

"Sure thing. Jacob." To my shock, the guard agreed willingly.

He transformed into a average looking teenager, with chocolate coloured hair and warm brown eyes. Jacob laughed at my shocked expression.

"You can have that one if you want to be a guy, but I did bring this one too." Jacob took another disguise book out of a his jeans. Dumbfounded, I took it, my mind still trying to process everything. Jacob picked up his gun which I had kicked out of his hand.

"Blaze sent me. Although I wasn't expecting a surprise attack." Jacob put his guard disguise back on and I numbly did the same and became a guard as well, except female. He then turned to leave out the door. "You coming?" He questioned when I didn't follow. I shook my head to bring myself back to the present and started to follow Jacob who checked to make sure no one was in the hallway.

"Blaze sent you?" I finally asked after a couple minutes.

"Of course. He really loves you, you know. When Cherry took you, he didn't get a blink of sleep for days just stressing about you. He would've came himself but he was in no shape to come and I already had inside connections." Jacob answered.

Despite the situation, I couldn't help but let out a dreamy sigh. Blake loves me? I missed him so much, I couldn't wait to see him again.

We turned at a corner and I could see the way out. I almost started jumping with joy, we hadn't seen a single guard in sight and Cherry probably didn't even know I had left. I never thought it would be this easy! I must've jinxed myself because right then Cherry appeared.

"Hello Rose." She smirked.

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