Chapter 22

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"Wait what?" Lucas stammered.

"Could you repeat the whole thing again?" Lucy said in disbelief, which made Blaze chuckle. Blaze and I had told them the whole thing, leaving nothing out.

"So your...Blake?" Lucas questioned skeptically, eyeing Blaze up and down.

"Yep." Blaze replied, then stood up so he could prove it to him. I glanced at the door, sure someone was listening in. "Blake."

The transformation never ceased to amaze me. Slowly Blaze transformed to Blake. Lucy and Lucas gaped at Blake. I couldn't help but smile. It finally clicked in Lucy.

"I think I get it now," Lucy mumbled, then she suddenly smiled, "I see what you did there, you only changed one letter in your name, smart move. If anyone would suspect you were Blake then they'd think you'd be to stupid to only change one letter in your name and then not think you are Blake!" Lucy rambled excitedly.

"Um...thanks I think?" Blake said. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Rose? Blaze?" I heard Pearl call. I started to panic, Blake hadn't transformed back yet.

"Just a sec! Don't come in!" I called. Blake hurriedly transformed into Blaze again. I waited a couple seconds after he had transformed, just to be sure, then I opened the door, to reveal Pearl.

"It's time for your meeting, about the GDB." Pearl said, looking around us curiously, wondering what we had been doing. I put on my best innocent face and a sweet smile.

"Eloisa! I want to come!" Lucy exclaimed.

"You can't, it's too dangerous."

"I'm sure we can handle it." Lucas added, grabbing Lucy's hand.

"No Lucas, Eloisa's right, it's too dangerous." Blaze jumped in.

"I just found you again, please, don't push me out of your life." Lucy begged, silent tears running down her face. I'd never seen her cry before, and we had been friends for a long time. The reality of her words hit me, hard. I had been pushing her out, trying to tell myself it was for the better good, but was it really?

"They can come if they want, I'm sure Cherry won't mind." Pearl added softly.

"Your right Lucy, I'm sorry for pushing you out." I apologised, tears shinning in my eyes too now. Lucy smiled and pulled me in for a hug. "I won't push you out ever again." I promised.

The meeting was being held in Vanilla Gold's dinning room, with all the doors locked. I was sitting next to my mother and Lucy. Blaze was next to Lucy with Lucas. Nora, Slash, Pearl and to my dismay, Vanilla Gold. I could tell she was trying to get my attention but I just ignored her. I just wanted to get this over with, I wanted to see the rest of my family and just destroy the GDB and be done with it all. Heck, I would rather be at school with Kenzie then here.

"Alright, so today we can finally get rid of the GDB!" Nora said excitedly. A small cheer went up in the room. Nora waited for it to quiet down again before continuing.

"Although we can get destroy the GDB, we still have some issues we need to sort out," my heart sank at those words, "a device like this takes years to perfect but that doesn't mean Cherry can't make another one in the future. She and all others behind the making of the GDB need to be put behind bars. All the notes on how the GDB was made need to be destroyed as well. That is why I called you all here, well most of you, I need you guys to go on another mission. This is only the beginning." Nora concluded. Everyone stared at her in shock for a good minute. I hadn't even thought about them being able to make a new one. My hopes for this being over were vanquished. Of course it wouldn't be this easy.

"What about the people in the Spy Corporation? Most of them don't even know who Cherry really is." Blaze pointed out. Guilt started to tug at me. I had been so self absorbed, only worrying about me getting home and things going back to normal. I hadn't even stopped and thought those people back at the Spy. Corporation who were clueless about all of this.

"We will tell them. I've thought this all out, I have a plan." Nora said proudly. Blaze nodded and sat back in his chair, content.

"Now, before we do anything else, Rose, could you get the GDB? Destroying it will buy us time that we need to carry the plan out. It won't be long before Cherry realises the GDB we gave her was a fake." I numbly nodded, my mind still swirling with all the new information I had gained. I stood up, my chair scraping against the wood. I noticed my mother had stood up as well.

"I'll come with you." My mother offered with a comforting smile.

"Mum it's ok, the GDB is just-" the look she gave me made stop talking. I gulped. Odd, my mother hardly ever got mad at me, I was the goody-two-shoes of the family. I brushed the thought away, telling myself it was just the stress she had been through.

I went upstairs, with my mother trailing behind me, and lifted up a loose floor board that was in the room I'd been staying in. I carefully reached in and took out the GDB. I looked up, cradling the GDB in my arms and found myself face to face with my mother, an evil glint in her eyes.

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