Chapter 6

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 I tentatively pushed the doorbell button on Blake's house, awkwardly standing next to Lucy. A second later, the door opened to reveal Blake and Lucas. They both had board shorts on with a T-shirt. There was music playing in the background and I saw some people had already arrived.

"Come on in guys, you came right on time!" Blake beckoned us in. No sooner had we stepped inside did the doorbell ring again. Blake opened the door to reveal the one and only Kenzie. She was wearing a bright pink, strapless, bikini with a white coverup so thin I could see her swimsuit underneath. I sighed, of course Blake had invited Kenzie here.

"Kenzie, I didn't know you were coming." Blake said with a frown. I raised my eyes in confusion, shouldn't Blake have known she was coming if he invited her?

"Kenzie, you weren't invited, go home." Lucas said, folding his arms across his chest.

"I heard there was a party here so I had to come. Besides I figured you just forgot to invite me." Kenzie replied sweetly with a twinkle in her eyes.

"We didn't forget to-" Lucas started but Kenzie gracefully walked right between Blake and Lucas. I could feel disgust radiating off of her when she noticed I was here.

"I see you've invited Eloisa and Lucy." Kenzie said, her words filled with disgust.

"Kenzie, leave." Lucas said once again, clearly exasperated.

"Kenzie, you have entered my house uninvited, which means you are trespassing. I can press charges." Blake spoke up, opening the door for her.

"But Blake-" Kenzie started.

"Leave." Blake said, his voice filled with authority. Kenzie glared at me as if blaming me. She stomped her foot, turned, and left. Blake shut the door behind her with a sigh. "Sorry about that." Blake turned towards Lucy and me.

"Oh, its fine." I said, Lucy nodded in agreement.

"Here, do you guys want to grab a snack? They're just over here." Blake said, motioning to the snack table in the kitchen.

"Sure," I smiled, walking over to the snack table. When we reached the table, I grabbed a piece of chocolate and popped it into my mouth. Lucy had gone to the drinks table with Lucas and they were talking together.

"This tastes really good!" I chirped, grabbing another one.

"All chocolate tastes good." Blake said with a smile.

"Except dark chocolate." I declared with a smile.

"True." Blake chuckled. Just then, I noticed that the party-type music had abruptly changed into a slow song. "The music wasn't meant to change." Blake said so quietly I almost didn't hear. I glanced at Lucy to see what her reaction was. To my surprise, I saw Lucas reach for Lucy's hand, and Lucy place her hand in his and together, they walked into the living room and started to dance to the music. Other people had seen what they did and started to dance as well. It was kind of amusing to see people dancing in their swimsuits, but it worked. I turned around to face Blake, his eyes had softened and he was looking at me differently.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked gently.

"Sure." I replied shyly, my heart beating a thousand times faster. Blake reached for my hand and I slowly placed my hand in his. This was the first time I had danced with him. His hands were soft and gentle. Blake led me to the living room where we started to dance.

"This has been a fabulous party." I commented, my face turning pink.

"Just wait until we get in the pool, it's amazing." Blake said, his eyes twinkling.

"It looks nice." I said awkwardly. Blake's eyes suddenly turned serious.

"I was wondering if-" Blake started but he got interrupted by both our apple watches beeping at the same time. I thought it was weird that they were both beeping at the same time but I didn't give much thought to it. Everyone was looking at us, annoyed. I looked at my watch and saw a text from Cherry. It read: Mission date has changed, meet at Spy Cooperation now! -Cherry. Of all times to go on a mission, why now?

"I'm sorry, I need to go." I said with a sigh and quickly left before Blake could say anything. I didn't want to interrupt Lucy so when I got in the car I quickly texted her, apologising for leaving her. I then quickly grabbed my Disguise Box, the same box that changes how I look, and pressed the green button, then turned into Rose. I quickly pressed on the accelerator pedal and and drove to the Spy Cooperation. 

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