Chapter 14

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I was exhausted but too worried to sleep. The adrenaline rush had worn off and my injured arm was aching. A couple hours had passed by and we were almost there. I sat looking out the window at all the farms that formed a golden blur as we raced by.

"Are you alright?" Blaze questioned, nodding to my cradled arm.

"I'm fine." I lied and tried to focus on something else to take my mind off the pain. Blaze just shook his head, as if he didn't believe me.

"Where are we going exactly?" Blaze questioned, changing the subject.

"My friends house. Her code name is Vanilla Gold and she lives on a cow farm with her parents, but they won't be there since they're on a mission." I explained. Vanilla Gold and I had met a couple years ago on a mission, but then we had both moved to opposite sides of the country. We still kept tabs on each other though.

"How long will we stay?" Blaze asked.

"Until we come up with a new plan." I replied. Blaze just nodded his head, seeming lost in thought. I started thinking about my family, wondering where they were and how they were holding up.

"Do you ever wonder well..." Blaze hesitated. I motioned for him to go on. "Well... who people are under their disguise." he continued, seeming a little nervous. The question took me by surprise. I thought about the question for a moment and let myself wonder who Blaze might be under his disguise. I imagined him being Blake, that would be perfect. However, I was sure it wasn't him, even I was not lucky enough to get Blake and Blaze in one person. I gently shook my head, bringing myself back to reality.

"Well, maybe sometimes," I stammered, "why do you ask?"

"No reason." Blaze replied but I could tell he was lying. Before I could push the subject further, he pulled over in front of a big, brick two story house with cows in pastures everywhere. The grass and trees were starting to turn all sorts of different colours signifying that autumn was coming.

I walked up to the steps and onto the porch and rang the doorbell. Vanilla Gold answered the door, in her disguise.

"Rose!" She exclaimed, pulling me in for a bear hug. Vanilla Gold had light, blonde hair with bright vivid green eyes. She just had a normal long sleeve shirt on with jeans, whereas Blaze and my clothes were torn and we had some scratches on our knees. Something about Blaze's outfit seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Vanilla Gold lead us inside, there was a kitchen, dinning room, a master bedroom and two bathrooms downstairs.

"Do you guys need new changes of clothes?" Vanilla Gold asked, leading us to the dining room.

"Yes, we do." I answered.

"Good thing I went out and brought both of you some clothes right after I got your phone call! I also got some shoes and toiletries." Vanilla Gold said cheerfully, handing us each a bag full of clothes.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, looking through the bag at all the nice clothes.

"Yes, thank you, that was very thoughtful." Blaze said with a sweet smile. For a second I wished that that smile was for me but I shook away the thought.

"How about you guys go shower and change while I make dinner. Blaze you can use this bathroom and Rose, you can use my bathroom upstairs." Vanilla Gold said with a grin.

The shower felt amazing and once I was done, I changed into the pajamas Vanilla Gold had brought for me. It had fuzzy, white pants and and a green shirt to go with it.

Downstairs, Vanilla Gold and Blaze were sitting at the table, talking about something. I felt a twinge in my stomach, was I... jealous? No, no way. I walked over to the table and sat down, suddenly feeling self-conscience that I was wearing my pajamas.

"I made some elk for dinner!" Vanilla Gold exclaimed happily.

"Elk?" I questioned distastefully.

"Yep! My dad goes hunting for elk during hunting season and we have some left." Vanilla Gold said with a smile, placing the elk in font of us as well as some vegetables and mashed potatoes. I skeptically tried the elk, to mays surprise, it tasted really good. It was like beef but more flavourful.

"This is really good!" I exclaimed, taking another huge bite out of the elk. Blaze nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes, thank you." Blaze added.

"No problem." Vanilla Gold said with a grin. We sat at the table and talked for a while, even once we were all done with dinner. Blaze and I filled her in on what had happened with Cherry. I yawned, starting to feel the effect of everything that had happened today.

"Are you tired?" Blaze questioned, trying to stifle his own yawn.

"Just a little." I yawned, my eyes starting to droop. Blaze and Vanilla Gold laughed.

"Here, Rose, I'll change the bandages on your arm, then we can head off to bed." Vanilla Gold said, grabbing some bandages out of a first aid kit.

"Here, I'll help." Blaze offered.

"It's ok, I can change them myself." I said nervously. I didn't want them to see how bad it was.

"Rose, don't be silly, you can only use one arm. Don't worry, I know how to change a bandage." Vanilla Gold tried to console me.

"No, really-" I started, but stopped when I felt Blaze hand touch my arm and start to unravel the bandage. I turned away, I didn't want to see their expression when my cut was revealed. I heard a sharp in take of breath.

"Oh my gosh." I heard Vanilla gold say hesitantly. I slowly turned around, even though the cut had been stitched up, it had puss coming out of it and was bruising yellow and purple all around the stitches. I looked up at Blaze and saw a fire in his eyes that I had never seen before. Vanilla Gold regained herself and grabbed some cleaning stuff and started working on it. Blaze shook his head and helped her out as well. They worked on it quietly, no one saying a word, when suddenly a low battery symbol started blinking on my wrist.

"The Disguise Box, it's running out of battery." I said urgently. In exactly five minutes, I would turn back into Eloisa.

"I'll just put the new bandage on really quick, then we can go into your room." Vanilla Gold said quickly. Vanilla Gold knew who I was but I didn't know who she was, not that I minded. Blaze and Vanilla Gold quickly finished up, then I practically ran upstairs with Vanilla Gold trailing behind me.

As soon as I shut the door to my room, I transformed back into Eloisa, with the Disguise Box laying at my feet. I let out a long sigh and sunk to the floor.

"Here." Vanilla Gold handed me a charger for the Disguise Box with a small smile.

"Thanks." I mumbled, managing a small smile and put it on charge. I slowly stood up and sat on my bed. I looked around the room, there was a beige beanbag in the corner and a clean desk with a computer against the wall.

"Really, thank you." I said again, motioning to the room.

"No problem." Vanilla Gold said, sitting on the bed next to me. "You really like him, don't you?" She said out of the blue. My face turned a bright red. I considered lying to her and telling her he was only my partner. However, she was my friend, she should know.

"Yes, I do." I gave in with a dreamy sigh, this was the first time I had admitted it out loud and I glanced at the door, afraid he was standing right outside. "How can you tell?" I asked.

"Just by the way you look at him. He likes you too you know. When he saw your cut, he looked furious, like he wanted to hunt down the person that did that to you." Vanilla Gold said. I didn't know what to say.

"There's this other boy though, from school, I really like him too." I blurted out.

"Listen to your heart, it'll tell you who to choose." Vanilla Gold advised, then got up and gently shut the door.

I laid down in the bed and wondered who I really liked more, Blake or Blaze. I also wondered about my family and Lucy and decided I would call them tomorrow. With that thought, I fell into a deep sleep.

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