Chapter 11

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Slowly, I started to be able to make out sounds, my eyes, however were to heavy to open.

"Thank you so much for bringing her to me, I'll get her all patched up, she'll be fine." I heard my mothers voice. I felt myself passed from Blaze's strong arms into my fathers steady arms.

"Thanks for bringing her back to us." My father said, genuinely sounding thankful.

"It's the least I could do. I hopes she gets better soon." Blaze said, sounding empty.

"You care for her, more than a friend, don't you?" My mother asked inquisitively.

"Well I-" Blaze started. I did not hear the rest as I fell back into unconsciousness.

I woke up with an awful headache. I put all my weight on my left arm so I could sit up put winced when I felt a piercing pain. Suddenly the memories from yesterday came flashing back and that conversation I heard between my parents and Blaze, although I wasn't sure if I had just dreamed that up. I sighed, though I would never admit it out loud, I was slowly falling for Blaze. However, there was Blake too, I had known him longer and he was the only normal thing in my unusual life. I had no idea who I would chose if it came down to one or the other. I shook my head, I don't have to worry about that.

Looking around, I saw that I was in my room and still in my clothes from yesterday except my jacket had been taken off. I lifted my shirt sleeve up and found a bandage wrapped tightly around my arm.

I turned on my phone to check to time and saw that it was eleven in the morning, there were also at least a hundred texts from Lucy, asking where I was and one text from Blaze that he had sent to my spy number, asking if I was alright. I called Lucy so I could explain myself.

"Elosia! Where on earth did you go last night?" Lucy almost yelled.

"I'm sorry, there was a... family emergency. I didn't want interrupt you and Lucas so I just left."

"I appreciate the thought but you should have told me anyways! You were my ride home!" Lucy complained.

"I'm sorry. Who'd you get a ride with then?" I asked.

"Oh.. uh... Lucas gave me a ride." Lucy said slowly.

"Then what are you complaining about? I leave and you get to spend more time with Lucas!" I laughed, I could just see her turning red.

"Whatever. As soon as you left, Blake left too." Lucy said, changing the subject.

"That's odd, it was his pool party." I said with a frown.

"Yeah, it was weird. Anyways, 'Trolls' comes out today, want to go to the mall and watch it with me since it's the weekend?" Lucy asked. I laughed.

"That cartoon kids movie where those giants eat trolls to become happy and the princess troll has to rescue her friends that got captured with the sad troll?" I chuckled.

"Hey now, don't judge, I'm almost seventeen, I can watch cartoons if I want." Lucy said, trying to sound serious but laughing.

"Of course I'll come."

"Great! Meet you there at three." Lucy said and hung up. I smiled. Guess I was watching 'Trolls'. Next, I replied to Blaze and told him I was fine.

I heard a light knock on my door, and my whole family came in, Jasper holding a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon with hot chocolate. I couldn't help but grin when I saw the plate right as my stomach rumbled.

"Awe, thank you guys so much!" I exclaimed, beaming.

"Jasper wanted to make you something special since you got hurt," my mother said, "and your father brought you some flowers and nail polish as well!" She added. I turned to my father who was holding a banquet of sunflowers, which were my favourite, as well as yellow and teal coloured nail polish in a small bag. He set the flowers and nail polish on the desk beside my bed and gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"You feeling alright?" My father asked.

"I feel pretty alright, just hurts a little." I replied. Jasper set my food on my lap.

"It might be a little cold since I made it in the morning but you only just woke up." He said with a small shrug.

"Thank you Jasper." I said with a smile. For the first time, I noticed Evie, she had genuine concern in her eyes, Evie and I don't get along very well so I was surprised when she came over to give me a tight hug but I immediately grimaced as she pressed against my arm, sending out a ripple of pain.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." Evie said, looking panicked.

"It's alright, thanks for the hug." I managed a small smile as the pain slowly started to subside.

"Just please don't get hurt again." Evie said with concern, glancing around at the family.

"No promises there." I joked but Evie didn't laugh, she just looked lost in thought. Everyone left except my mother, who sat down on my bed and gave me a hug, careful not to touch my arm.

"I love you mum." I said with a smile.

"I love you too, now get some rest please." I just remembered Lucy and our plan to see 'Trolls'.

"About that, Lucy invited me to go to the mall to see 'Trolls' with her, can I go?" I asked bashfully.

"Absolutely not! You need to rest!"

"Yeah but if I don't go all of a sudden than Lucy will suspect something and I don't need to rest, I just woke up." I started rambling. My mother sighed.

"Fine." She mumbled.

"Wait really?"

"I guess you deserve a break from all the spy stuff." My mother said as she walked out of my room with a small smile.

I wolfed down my breakfast, than showered. I got out a gray, long sleeved shirt that went down to my finger tips and an off-white scarf to match. I than put on black leggings and brown tall boots. I loved my winter clothes, they were so adorable! I told my mother I was leaving then stepped out into the cool September air.  

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