Chapter 17

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"Be safe." I muttered, feeling powerless.

"I'll be fine." Vanilla Gold said with a reassuring smile but she looked distracted. I gave her a quick hug and watched her leave in the car until I couldn't see her anymore. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I reacted the only way I knew-I grabbed the persons hand and twisted it, throwing the person on the floor.

"Ouch!" Blaze groaned. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh my gosh Blaze! I'm so sorry! I thought it was an attacker and I panicked, I had no idea-" I started rambling but stopped when I heard Blaze laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I questioned, confused. Blaze tried to answer but just kept laughing, clutching his stomach. His laugh was starting to make me laugh as well and soon enough we were both lying on the floor, giggling like little children.

Once our laughter started to subside, I got enough air to finally ask. "So what'd you come to tell me, before all this happened?"

"Oh right!" Blaze said in alarm, his eyes widening and quickly standing up. "The Universal Spies, they're coming," he glanced at his watch, "in five minutes!" he reached out his hand, helping me up off the floor where we had been lying on, laughing.

"You called them?" I questioned in alarm.

"Yeah, so we can figure out our next move, like we said."

"I didn't mean right away!" I said, a little agitated that he hadn't told me before calling them. I quickly fixed my hair, which was all over the place, and was about to grab glasses of water for everyone when the doorbell rang.

Blaze opened the door, since he was closer, and in walked five people. It surprised me to see them all in casual wear but then I guess they didn't want to draw attention to themselves. Even though they weren't our enemies, I still started calculating if Blaze and I could over power them. It would be hard but I figured we might just be able to.

Everyone awkwardly sat at the table. It felt so weird having a discussion like this. This was what Cherry normally did. Not me. I started inspecting the other spies, trying to see if they were hiding anything, when I saw a familiar face, one that had a slash across his eye.

"Slash?" I questioned in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Slash glanced at the leader, the same one from when Blaze and I took the GDB, for approval, she nodded her head slightly.

"I'm a spy disguised as a spy." Slash said, as if it were simple. Blaze and I stared at him in confusion.

"What?" We both said at the same time.

"I work for Nora," Slash gestured to their leader, "I had been sent to the Spy Corporation to work for Cherry to gather information, so I was a spy disguised as a spy. My role was to gain Cherry's trust so I could figure out her next move and report it to Nora. Cherry sending you and Blaze to get the GDB was not expected and so we weren't ready for you guys. Cherry has been lying to you, the Spy Corporation are the bad guys, we are the good guys." Slash explained. I took a moment to process everything he had just told me.

"Why is the GDB so important? What does GDB even stand for?" I questioned.

"Where is the GDB? We can show you." Nora stepped in. I was about to object when Blaze beat me to it.

"I don't think we are on that trust level just yet."

Nora looked between Blaze and I and realized we were not about to budge.

"Fine, you want to know what it does? It was made to kill the entire government. GDB-Government Destroying Box. Activate the GDB and it will send tiny robots to all the important people in the government. The robots implant themselves into the skin of the target, and when activated will send poison into the victims skin. By the time they realize what has happened, it would be too late. Cherry was planning to step up as a new leader since no other government officials would be alive and she would frame someone else.

We were in the process of making a duplicate box, although not one that actually works, to throw off anyone who tried to steal the GDB so they would actually be stealing a fake. Then we were going to destroy the real one. However, you guys took the real one before we got far enough to execute the plan." Nora explained. She took out another box, one that looked exactly like the GDB-which I assumed was the duplicate she was talking about. I could only stare at her in disbelief. There had been so much going on that I hadn't even known about, and Cherry had not told me any of it. Blaze found my hand and gave it a small, comforting squeeze.

"Could we have a moment to talk to discuss this with each other?" Blaze asked but didn't stay long enough to get an answer. He pulled me out of the chair and led me to a corner so we could talk more privately. That was when we heard the explosion.

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