Chapter 12

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"I would like to have one large popcorn and two medium slushes please." I ordered. The waiter handed Lucy and I our popcorn and drinks and I quickly paid with my credit card.

"You know you didn't have to buy the drink and popcorn for me." Lucy said, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"I know, my treat, since you organized this." I said with a small smile, gulping down my slushy. We walked into the movie theatre and started watching 'Trolls'.

A hour later, we walked out of the theatre and into the shopping center.

"That movie was awesome! Although I'm a bit disappointed that Branch and Poppy didn't kiss-" Lucy began rambling when someone interrupted us.

"Lucy, Eloisa?" A voice said. I turned around and saw Lucas and Blake walking over to us. My face started burning up and I found myself feeling self-conscious about what I was wearing, thank goodness I looked decent.

"Oh, hi." Lucy said shyly. The only time Lucy ever got shy was in front of Lucas.

"What are you guys doing here?" Blake questioned with a warm smile.

"We just finished watching the movie 'Trolls' and now we're going to get ice cream." Lucy answered.

"You were watching 'Trolls'?" Lucas questioned with surprise.

"It's actually an awesome movie." I pointed out.

"I've seen the trailer, it looks great." Blake added.

"Really, am I the only sane one here? 'Trolls' is a children's movie." Lucas said, clearly exasperated.

"You're only saying that cause your jealous you couldn't watch it with us." Lucy teased.

"Whatever," Lucas rolled his eyes, "could we go get ice cream now?" My heart started beating faster against my chest, Lucas, Lucy, Blake and I were going to get ice cream together! It was almost like a double date!

We reached Marble Slab Creamery, Lucy and Lucas got their ice creams first, than I ordered cake batter ice cream with cookie dough and brownie bits added into it. I reached for the ice cream but winced when I felt pain explode from the cut on my arm where the bullet hit. I pulled my left arm back and used my right arm instead, than paid.

"Eloisa, are you alright? Is there something wrong with your arm?" Blake questioned, concerned. I almost jumped, I had forgotten he was behind me in line.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just uh... ran into a pole earlier." I lied.

"Oh." Blake simply said. He didn't look like he believed me but he didn't push the subject any further. Just than, my phone started ringing, it was a call from my mum.

"Hello mum?" I answered.

"Eloisa, I need you home, now!" My mum urgently said before hanging up. Surprised and worried, I put my phone back into my handbag.

"I have to go, my mum needs me. Lucy, could you bring me home since I didn't bring my car?" I questioned. Lucy glanced longingly at Lucas before answering.

"I guess I cou-" Lucy started grudgingly.

"I'll bring you home, that way Lucy and Lucas can be together." Blake teased with a wink. Both Lucy and Lucas turned bright red. Before anyone could say anything, Blake had already started walking towards the parking lot downstairs. Caught off guard, I quickly jogged to catch up to him.

"Thank you for taking me home." I said with a small smile, my face starting to heat up. The only other boy I'd been alone with in a car was Blaze. My thoughts turned towards Blaze, I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing now.

"No problem," I heard Blake say, bringing my thoughts back to earth. Blake had a black BMW car that we hoped into. We both put our untouched ice-cream in the cup holders.

"Did you do anything yesterday?" I asked awkwardly, trying to start a conversation. Blake hesitated.

"Um... not much really," he answered slowly. For some odd reason, I got the impression he was lying, but why would he lie about not doing anything yesterday?

"What about you?" Blake questioned.

"You mean besides running into a pole?" I joked. Blake laughed, which made my heart melt. After that, we had an easy conversation until Blake pulled into my house. What we saw made us gape, speechless.

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