Part 56

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Weeks passed without Eva seeing Liam. She saw boxes leave his house. A 'SOLD' sign went up. But she never caught a glimpse of him.

Instead of thinking about it, she threw herself into holidays, making list after list for Thanksgiving and Christmas. She wanted Arden's last celebrations as a complete family to be perfect. She was leaving right after the last of the wrapping paper was in the trash. She'd really made her choice this time. She didn't care what Harry's next scan said. She needed to be away from him. She'd been to see a therapist twice and she'd agreed that Eva needed to leave. Unfortunately, she agreed with Liam. She thought she should leave now, not later. She even told her to contact Liam. To apologize. To explain that she had a hard time believing that she deserved to be happy when she was making Harry so unhappy. She'd tried, but she couldn't find the words. She started text after text, never finding the perfect way to explain. Instead, time passed and she lost all of her nerve.

Eva putted around her classroom, looking for extra pencils, the day before Thanksgiving break. She could have sworn she had more. Sighing, she went down to the office to see if Jackie had any. If you were on her good side, the school secretary was usually good for some hidden treasures. Jackie was sitting at her deck, Niall standing beside her. "Hey! Jackie! Do you have any....what is that smell?" Eva grabbed her nose and ran for the bathroom, losing her entire breakfast in the sink.

"Hey." Niall was standing behind her. "You okay? I made Jackie this special tea? It smells awful, but it's like full of vitamins? She keeps saying she needs to lose ten more pounds of baby weight."

Eva just nodded.

"Can I get you something?" Niall asked.

Eva shook her head.

"Okay. I'll leave." Niall backed awkwardly out the room.

Eva waited until she felt the waves of nausea pass before returning to the office. She only had moments before she needed to pick up her class from gym. Jackie was waiting for her. "You are pregnant, aren't you? I can tell. The way you responded to that smell? I thought you and Harry....?"

"Stop, Jackie! It's just that awful stuff you are drinking. Jesus, ten pounds isn't worth it. Niall loves you and you have two amazing kids. Niall won't shut up about how smart Evan is. Put the tea down." Eva tried laugh.

Jackie eyed her suspiciously. "No changing the subject. We eat lunch together. I've seen how much you are eating lately. I also heard you complain that your boobs hurt. Now, you are puking. I've got two kids under two. I know pregnant. And you are." Jackie crossed her arms across her chest and stared Eva down.

Eva stopped to think. There was no way she was pregnant. She couldn't get pregnant. Well, her doctor said, "most likely couldn't get pregnant." Plus, she only had her period every so often. And every so often was just before the conference. The conference where she had unprotected sex with Liam. When he'd asked her if she could get pregnant and she'd yelled at him. Then she'd told him to go away and that she didn't want to see him.

"Earth to Eva?" Jackie said, waving her hand in front of her face. "So?"

Eva shook her head. "No! It's not possible. I have to go." She pointed to the clock. "See you at lunch."

The rest of the day dragged, Eva watching the clock, waiting for the bell to ring. When it finally did, she grabbed Arden and raced out the door. Liam was standing in the parent line, waiting for Ava and James. Eva glanced at him, her stomach turning. He looked back, his eyes sad and full of longing. "Eva!" he called. She pretended not to hear and kept moving.

She drove to Walgreens, pacing in front of all of the choices before picking the one that said the word 'pregnant' if you were pregnant. No guessing. No plus signs. Just one word. She paid for it and hurried home. Harry had promised to be home early, to help peal potatoes. They were going to his sister's house and they were in charge of potatoes. He was trying to be a good husband again. The thought made her roll her eyes. He still thought she'd stay.

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