Creepy Carl and Sad Sammy

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 Once upon a time, there was a boy named Sammy. One day Sammy decided to go for a walk. But first, he wanted to make sure it was okay with his mum.

Sammy: Hey mum!

Sammy's mum: Hello my son.

Sammy:  Can I go for a walk?

S's mum: No

Sammy: Why not?

S's mum: You have no legs.

Sammy: Oh. That sucks.

Sammy was a very happy child, and he wasn't about to let a small thing like being legless bother him, so he called up his cousin Legless Larry.

Legless Larry: Yo. Wut up?

Sammy: I need help.

LL: Bro... That's deep.

Sammy: I don't have any legs, but I want to go on a walk!

LL: Bro... Yo' don't walk. Yo' roll.

Sammy: ???

LL: Wit' a wheelchair.

Sammy: Oh! What a great Idea!

So Sammy went out and bought a wheelchair.

On the way home, he ran into an old man named Carl.

Carl: Hey little boy!

Sammy: Hi old man!

Carl: That's a nice wheelchair you got there little boy!

Sammy: Thanks, creepy old man.

Carl: You just call me creepy little boy?

Sammy: Um... Yup?

Carl: Rowr.....

With that, Carl leapt out. Stole Sammy's wheelchair, and threw him on the ground. Little Sammy's heart was broken and he was never the same again.

So Carl was forever named Creepy Carl, which was only emphasised when he started dressing up as a clown and killing people.

And Sammy was named Sad Sammy.

                                                                               THE END

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                                                                               THE END.

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