Sarcastic Savannah

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Once upon a time there was a little girl named Savannah who was the sweetest child in the whole world. She loved the color pink, her favorite food was pink frosting (especially if shaped like a flower), her favorite animals were pink sparkly unicorns with flower-power magic horns, and her favorite person in the whole world was the big man who came and painted all of her walls cotton candy pink when she was five. So she lived her happy and very sparkly life until one day she and her little brother Hamilton went to the fair.

They had been expecting a fun day filled with balloons, face paintings, and cotton candy (in cotton candy pink, of course). Unfortunately they were terribly disappointed in the fair and the world in general when a crazy clown dressed in an orange jumpsuit appeared out of nowhere, stole their candy, popped their balloons, smeared their face paint, and brutally murdered all the ponies in the petting zoo.

Hamilton cried, but Savannah had no time for tears; she was ANGRY, very angry, more angry than she was when her dad bought blue cotton candy instead of pink, so angry that not even all of the meanest nastiest words in all of the cosmos combined could express how angry she was, or how much she despised that clown.

When they had successfully stomped (or in Hamilton's case sobbed) all the way home their mother asked, "How was your day at the fair dearest children of my heart?"

Savanna was so lost for mean words that could adequately convey her unhappiness that she did something she'd never done before; she was . . . SarCASTIC!!!

Savannah: "Oh, we had a FaNtAsTiC time."

Mother: "Savannah! How could you such a tone with me; your loving and affectionate mother who has done nothing but love you unconditionally your whole life???"

However, Savannah did not hear her, for she was too busy stomping up the stairs to bother with her scorned mothers cries of anguish.

Savannah only meant to use it once, but just like the hideous drug it was, it slowly consumed her life. Also just like a drug, it affected her family: Hamilton was so confused by her mood change that he went into a state of emotional shock for years, her parents were horribly heartbroken that their sweet, perfect daughter could ever become such a moody teenager (they never knew about the thieving clown), even her dog was . . . actually her dog wasn't affected at all. But rest assured that everybody else was absolutely DEVASTATED. They still loved her tho, so it was chill.

The end. (For now)

 (For now)

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