Lazy Lauren

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Once upon a time there was a young woman who excelled in the creative arts.

She churned out brilliant original paintings that were adored by peoples all over the world. Her masterpieces were so prestigious and fantastic that when the queen of England finally worked up enough money to buy one, she had to hide it in the treasury, because compared to it her castle looked like a dump.

The key to her success was a strict schedule and constant vigilance.

One day she was scrolling through her ideas folder when and ad popped up on her screen:

"NEW!!! Video streaming service! Hundreds of movies and shows at your fingertips! NETPIX!!!"

Being an artist, Lauren was always looking for new inspiration, so she thought: What's the harm in checking it out? 

....If she only knew....

So when she had some extra couple minutes to spare (a truly rare occasion) she decided to take a look.

After  extensive research for what was best, she tried a show called "Weirder Stuff". She meant to only watch only a couple episodes, but she was hooked; she couldn't look away, she could not even stop long enough to get snacks!

What was this? Who was this new person? There were deadlines to meet! Paintings to complete! WORK HAD TO BE DONE! But Lauren did not care. Success could wait, the next episode however, could not.

Her initial interest quickly spiraled into an obsession. Any work she did was sporadic and distracted.

Inspiration struck, but got so tired of waiting to be attended to that it left unheeded.

It did not take long for critics to notice the quiet. They scorned her, calling her "Pathetic" and "A waste of talent" But Lauren only cared about fictional worlds now, and welcomed her new name; Lazy Lauren with mild indifference. She might not have been famous anymore, but she did not care. She had everything she wanted and more.

The moral: Waste all your time and avoid reaching your full potential. You'll be fine.

 You'll be fine

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The end

(for now)

Authors note: This character is named after one of my best besties in the world! She's super amazing and my Lauren does not even begin to live up to what she deserves. This chapter is in honor of her and all of the ways she helps me deal with all of the challenges that life throws my way. Love her to the moon and back <3

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