FAQ: Fish Ask Questions

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(a compilation of questions asked by fish)

Q: Are goldfish suicidal?

A: Although they are "the snack that smiles back", I like to think that they are just really happy to see you and have no actual comprehension of their future demise . . . but then again, that's depressing in its own way.

Q: What is the fish equivalent of coffee?

A: I have my own question: if water is so good at energizing people, why do we depend upon substances that are toxic to most forms of life in order to obtain energy? I theorize that fish are just properly hydrated and therefore have no need for artificial energy. That's right Rhonda, stop wasting your money and killing the environment by drinking pumpkin spice lattes five times a day AnD gO jUmP iN a McFrEaKiN lAkE.

Q: Does Sir Seaweed even lift?

A: He used to even life, but at this point his brain is so powerful he can lift things with the power of thought. Therefore, he no longer has any need to "even lift".

Q: When humans breath, do they think they're drinking air?

A: Good question! I don't pretend to speak for all humans when I say this, but I personally don't . . . I tend to think of it mostly just as breathing. However, to ensure the validity of this answer I have contacted a friend and fellow human for his input. Steve?

Steve: "Yeah, I tend to restrict drinking to liquids, cause gases are kind of hard to put into cups, but if someone was able to do that, then sure, I'd be down.

Q: Are whales really just fat, ugly dolphins?

A: No, they're not. Dolphins are actually just small, pretty whales; there are just some small, biological differences. I would also argue that whales aren't ugly, but I've never actually met one in person.

Q: Why did Flounder waste all his time hanging out with a whiny little girl?

A: Flounder was an amazing fish who had so much potential to be his own protagonist. Unfortunately he ended up stuck as a sidekick to a mermaid girl who didn't fully appreciate him. I think it was because he wasn't truly examining his friendship with Ariel and its toxic qualities. Don't make the same mistake as Flounder; think about your relationships. Who's the Ariel in your life? Who's forcing you to be a background character when you should be the star of the story? Find the people who are damaging your quality of life, and cut. Them. Out.

That's all for now, but fish are very inquisitive

so I'm sure there will be more FAQ's in the future.

so I'm sure there will be more FAQ's in the future

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