Dress Shoping

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I actually never really like shopping, even though I was a girl and I liked girl things I didn't really enjoy it all that much, I would find that my feet would ache after an hour, the people would start to annoy me and the temperature would rise ten degrees, we had finished looking for Taylor's dress and i was already exhausted, I didn't want to do my dress but Taylor insisted that we completed all shopping in one day,

"OK now it's your turn" Taylor said as we walked into the bridesmaids section.

We looked around at the dresses and the different styles before I asked,

"What colour are you doing?" I asked even though Taylor had told me before, I just never bothered to remember,

"Well I'm doing sort of a purple or gold with white so I don't mind which one you choose, " Taylor said smiling as she continued to look through the racks of dresses.

We looked through the racks some more until we came across a few dresses that we both liked some weren't really my style but Taylor like them so I said i would try them in any case, I went into the change rooms and chose the one I liked the most.

I came out in a ruffled short purple dress it had patters all the way along the front of the dress making it shine in the light and the shops had the exact same one in gold so it was just a matter of choosing the color because the dress was stunning!

"You look gorgeous Mia!" Taylor squealed as she smiled brightly while looking up and down my body,

"Thank you" I said laughing nervously, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

"Xavier, I need to find a dress for this party now shut up!" Taylor and I looked towards the entrance to the shop and I saw that boy that made me trip and this lady that I assumed was his mother shouting at him.

Taylor frowned and I could tell she was concerned,

I ran towards Taylor and tried to act as cool as possible, I did not want to bump into him again, it would be way to embarrassing,

"Taylor I like this dress lets get it." I said smiling nervously, she looked away from the shouting and smiled at me she gave me a small nod and I quickly ran back into the change rooms to get dressed into my normal outfit,

We rung the dress up at the till and before I knew it I was out of that shop and away from him! We walked outside the shop to find the sky dark, I looked at my watch and frowned, it was already eight o'clock, we had been here for hours. I guess it does take long to choose dresses.

"Damen is getting worried I think we should get going?" Taylor unlocked the car and I went around to the other side of the car to get into the passenger seat. it had been a long day and even though I had been relaxing for most of the morning, the shopping killed me and I couldn't wait to get home and just get into something comfortable and sit and watch TV.

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