So Not Possible

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The bell rang and Xavier left to his class, I let out a small sigh of relief, my goodness that boy made my heart race.

"Oh my word Mia! He totally likes you!!" Rosie said jumping out of the chair and jumping up and down, I never replied but I knew it would never be possible and when he finds out about my parents. I walked with Rosie to our class in silence.

I got into class and sat in silence the rest of the lesson like I usually do, pushing my glasses up occasionally so that they don't fall down, which was really starting to annoy me.

Rosie chatted with all the friends around her but I was too tired to listen and join in on their gossip chats, but every now and then I would hear a bit of the conversation and it was mostly about Xavier and how amazing he was. He was going to be the new talk around here for a while and I am sure it's going to annoy me. I was the talk for about two moths after my parents had died and I hated it, the only difference is that it's going to feed Xavier's big head and he is going to be this popular guy that goes for all the wrong girls.

The final bell eventually rang and I got out of class not even saying goodbye to Rosie, I was fed up with today, way to much girl talk for me.

I walked outside in the cold and while the snow fell a bit harder than this morning, I looked for Taylor's car and realized that today was the day I had to walk home because everyone was busy. It was freezing and I never brought another jacket.

I dragged my feet along the concrete floor and then onto some grass that had a thin sheet of snow on it, my shoes getting a little bit wet.

Today couldn't of been a worse day to walk home and the snow wasn't going to be kind and soften, except the snow fell harder! Cars drove past with people from school, some with parents and some of the seniors that had cars, I seriously needed to get one!

I walked past our old house looking if anyone was in it there was nothing, I continued walking in the freezing wind and turned on to our street, I unlocked the gate and walked along the stone path way towards the house, I rummaged through the stuff in my pocket searching for the house keys, I pulled them out and put the key into the door and turned the handle, I walked inside and the house was so nice and warm, I put my bag upstairs and ran back down to get myself a cup of hot chocolate to try and warm my body up. I got the nestle hot chocolate out from the cupboard and boiled the kettle and then I poured the milk in, I bent down and smelt the cup and it smelt so nice, the chocolate scent coming off the top.

I took the cup of hot chocolate and walked over towards the lounge.

I sat down feeling myself sink into the cushions and I smile. I turned the tv on and surfed through the channels, I had always made it a thing that I would watch Glee on a Saturday but I really wanted to watch it today so I went into my recordings to find Glee and pressed on the next episode to watch while I drank my delicious hot chocolate.

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