Bottled Up Feelings

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-Mia's POV-

I stormed away from his house as tears ran down my cheeks. I ran as quickly as I could home so that no one would see me crying, I hated my life so much right now.

I ran into the house and up into my room. I collapsed onto my bed and cried into one of my pillows making my pillow wet from all the tears,

We were so perfect last night, was Xavier really just putting on an act, it killed me to think he was but he looked so in love and I was so in love with this boy.

I haven't felt like this since my parents died, just wanting to cry for eternity until the pain would end, crying until there was nothing left but a huge hole in my heart.

I couldn't bear the thought of going downstairs to Taylor, I didn't want anyone's pity for me, I wanted to be left alone until I could finally pull myself together, but I doubt that would ever happen,

I had stayed in my room for more than half the day and I wasn't even hungry, it felt like that if moved from my room the outside world would hurt me all over again.

I felt terrible, my throat hurt from all the shouting from earlier and all the crying, I felt dirty and just yuck.

I heard a knock on my door and I sighed, I didn't want to see anyone,

Taylor entered my room holding a cup of hot chocolate for me.

"Hay Mia," She said softly as I sobbed on my bed, she looked at me with a sad face and said "I take it as he doesn't want to see you anymore?" Tay said sitting down next to me.

I nodded and she have me a small hug. "I brought you some hot chocolate to lighten your mood?"

I sat up and she passed me the hot chocolate.

"Thanks..." I said softly my voice a bit scratchy, I took a sip of the Hot chocolate and I could feel it spreading around my whole body. I smiled at the feeling and I was already feeling better.

"It's a pleasure..." Tay said, she got up and left me to be in my state of sadness.


I suppose you kind of have to get over things and move on, for some people it takes longer and for others they will bottle up there feelings and move on until one day the bottle will burst, Some bottles are stronger than others and won't break at all but with my luck I never know what my feelings would do.

I was one to bottle the feelings, right now I needed to move on, I wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of seeing me hurt.

It had been a long time since I had gone to school and I knew I was terribly behind,

So even though I felt awful and I was still heartbroken, I forced myself to pack my bag with my books and go to school. I stuffed my earphones into my pocket and got into the car,

"Are you sure you want to go?" Tay said starting up the car, I took a deep breath and nodded

"Yeah I suppose..." I sighed as we entered the school gates and Taylor parked

"Thanks, see you later..." I said as I got out of the car,

Taylor waved goodbye as she drove out and I headed into the school, hoping not to bump into Xavier today...

I reached my locker with the success of not seeing him yet, I put all the books I needed into my bag and closed my locker. I turned around and saw Xavier with a blonde boy I didn't even know, I took a deep breath and walked past them like I never saw them when the blonde boy called my name,

"Hay Mia, your boyfriend is over here," he said pointing at Xavier, I looked towards him and Xavier was very quick to reply

"I'm not her boyfriend..." He said looking at me, I swear I could see he saw the pain in my eyes that he had caused, he knew what I went through at school and he just made it worse.

I stood there awkwardly not knowing how to reply, I just wanted to run away and never come back, my bottle was weaker than I thought.

"Oh...uhm... I'm sorry Mia..." He said looking embarrassed, I tear found its way to the surface of my eye and ran down my cheek,

"No, it's ok..." I said, my voice shaking, I couldn't stop the tears and I was embarrassing myself,

I quickly wiped my face and walked quickly towards the bathroom, everyone was staring at me and rumors were spreading quickly.

I got into the bathroom and froze as I saw Rosie standing there with a red mark across her face and I could she had been crying too,

"Rosie, are you ok? What happened?" I asked as I ran up to her face and helped her,

"Gabby happened..." She said coldly.

"Why did she do this to you?" I asked as I pressed the cloth to her face.

"I haven't seen you at school in ages and I was worried, I kept asking the group if they had seen you and they kept saying no, so this morning I tried messaging you and Gabby saw so she made a huge scene and threw my phone across the hall way and slapped me. So I told her I don't want to be friends anymore and I came here, but that isn't important I want to know where the hell have you been!" She asked me as we stood by the basin,

I explained everything from Timothy to The fight with Xavier that we had yesterday, "-and now he just humiliated me in front of all his friend back there, he was never like this before, I don't understand what is happening," I said as another tear ran down my cheek, I sniffed and Rosie hugged me,

"You don't need him, as you see he was way to good to be true, a guy that good looking has to be a jerk no matter how nice he is in the beginning" Rosie said as she still hugged me, I sniffed and nodded,

"I like your new hair color," I said giving a weak smile as I attempted to lighten the mood. Her hair was a vibrant bright reddish pink color and it looked amazing,

"Thanks got it done a week ago," Rosie said smoothing the pony out.

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