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I just wanted to go home and the last ten minutes were dragging like there was no tomorrow! I sat in class while our teacher lectured us, this was the only class that Rosie and I were in together,

"Mia are you jealous?" She said behind me, I frowned at the question not knowing what she was on about,

"What do you mean?" I said,

"I'll talk to you after school." She said whispering into my ear.

School eventually ended and I walked outside.

"Bye Rosie, see you Monday." I said smiling,

"Oh wait Mia, I was asking you in class are you jealous of all the girls being around Xavier?" Rosie asked,

I frowned at the question and I had never considered myself jealous of the attention he gets from other girls, I shrugged and shook my head,

"I'm not sure, I just think he is two faced that's all." I said smiling,

"Ok, I will see soon, Bye." Rosie hugged me goodbye and I got into Taylor's car.

"Hay," I said as I closed the door, Taylor put the car into reverse and drove out the school,

"Mia I'm going to take you to see the house we are thinking of getting," Taylor said as we drove out the school

"Ok cool, but can I quickly go home and change, this long sleeve is boiling" I said rolling up my sleeves.

We arrived at the house and I quickly ran upstairs and got into the dress I planned on wearing this morning and I ran back down and into the car. We got to the house that was on show and I saw that it was a fairly big house with a garage and it was a two story just like the one we are living in now, I hopped out of the car and we went to go take a look inside...

After looking everywhere we met Damen at a coffee shop just down the road from the house to discuss everything.

"Taylor can I please go home first, I'll even walk myself" I said pleading to her, because I was so bored, she sighed and looked at me.

"Fine but just because the house is close," she said,

I smiled in excitement and walked along the road, at least today wasn't cold like Monday had been when I walked home from school.

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