I Love You

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Life has its ups and downs, in fact is life ever just normal? For me life since my parents died has been a downer and it just kept going down, obviously I would have those days where I would feel a little bit better. Like the days I would spend with Rosie or days where I would be able to speak about anything to my sister.

Then there is that turning point where you don't even realize that life is a whole lot happier until you are broken again.

The day Xavier broke up with me was the second worst day of my life, he had broken my heart beyond what I thought could be repaired.

But he asked for a third chance I surprisingly did give it to him, I couldn't stay away from him, he was my first love, my first kiss and well he saved me from going into a deep black whole that I might of never of returned from. Sure I had Rosie to cheer me up but life was dull, it lacked in excitement and positive things.

Surprisingly Xavier stood up to his dad and told him to back off of our relationship or else their relationship would be no longer even though it was hanging by a thread.

Rosie and Austin are not dating. Yet. may I add. They are just to shy to admit they like each other, it's actually rather cute.

-6 Months Later-

It was already New Years Eve and the snow was falling heavy outside.

I was dressed in some leggings, Xavier's Obey hoodie and my favorite pair of Ugg boots.

Xavier and I snuggled on the couch just in front of a nice warm fire. We had spent all holiday together after school had ended and I was so happy I was out of school and might I add that I was now 18 and I felt like I could let my 17 year old self behind with all her troubles and worries and start new.

"Are we going to stay inside for the fireworks?" Xavier asked me as he pulled me close, I snuggled my head into the crook of his shoulder and smiled.

"Yeah it's way to cold to go outside."

"Agreed," Xavier kissed me on the forehead and I looked over at Taylor, she was lying on the couch feeling beyond nauseas and I kind of felt bad.

"You ok Tay?" I asked scrunching my nose,

"Not really but this is the joys about pregnancy." She replied with a sigh,

Taylor was about three months pregnant now and I couldn't wait to be an aunty.

I shivered as a wave of cool air hit me, I looked over to the door and saw Damen coming in, shaking off the snow from his boots and hair.

"Damn, looks miserable out there." I said referring how snowy and messy Damen looked, I nodded and walked over to where Tay was lying.

"You ok babe?" Damen asked, kissing her forehead.

Taylor looked up at him and gave a weak smile.

"Mmhh." Tay mumbled sitting up so Damen could sit next to her, he sat down and she snuggled up to him. They were like the cutest married couple.

The sound of Katy Perry blasted through my phone, I picked my iPhone up from the side and saw Rosie was calling,

"Hello?" I answered

"Mia!" She squealed through the phone,

She must of known if she was squealing that loudly.

"Yeah?" I asked giggling a little,

"Austin told me this morning about you and your boyfriend and how come you never told me about this, what if I don't approve of Xavier, huh?" Rosie rambled on, I could hear the amusement in her voice.

If you hadn't guessed, Xavier had proposed to me last night and of coarse I said yes, I haven't really told anyone, I still had to break the news to Taylor which I was about to do before Rosie phoned.

"I'm just a bit shocked that's all." I said simply not wanting to give the topic away to Taylor.

"You're so lucky, Mia but I personally think you are like way to young."

"Hay I'm not," I said getting up from the couch walking away from the family. "Plus we are only getting married when I am twenty, like Xavier said he wants to claim me so I can't leave him." I said smiling at the memory of last night.

"Have you told Taylor?"

"Nope but I am about to when I get off the phone."

"Awesome tell me what she thinks,"

"Ok shall do," I said smiling even though she couldn't see, I was just so happy.

We said our goodbyes and I took the sparkly ring out of my pocket and put it on my ring finger, I slipped my iPhone into my pocket and took a deep breath before walking back into the lounge.

"Who was that?" Xavier asked giving me a warm soft smile,


Xavier's smile grew and I gave him a quick kiss.

I walked towards Tay, she was watching me very intently.

I took a deep breath and showed her my hand with the ring on it.

Taylor's face went from confused to shocked and then this smile appeared on her face that I hadn't seen in ages.

"Oh my gosh..." Taylor said softly,

"Are you for real?" She asked, I nodded and she jumped up and gave me a huge hug.

"Congratulations Mia!" She shouted excitedly.


"Xavier who did you ask for permission?" Taylor said averting the attention to him,

Xavier smirked and the replied, "I first asked Lilly and Jake and then I asked Damen, because I didn't want to spoil the surprise for you." Xavier said smoothly.

"Well I accept and I am so happy for you two." Taylor said pulling me into another hug, I smiled and a weight was lifted off my shoulders, I have to admit I was a bit scared for how she would react but it was a good reaction.

I cuddled next to Xavier again and pulled the soft fluffy blanket on top of us,

"I love you." Xavier whispered in my ear,

Which sent shivers down my back and a small smile to appear on my lips.

"I love you too babe." I replied kissing him softly.

"Are you sure you can handle me for the rest of your life." I asked.

"No, but the least I could do is try." Xavier said giving me a smirk.

I pushed him a little to the side and I giggled.

I loved this boy way too much and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

"Don't ever leave me, Mia." Xavier said, kissing me on the forehead and then bringing his lips down to my mouth for a short kiss.

"You're too special for me to lose you." He whispered against my lips making me smile.

So yes that was my love story, I am 18, engaged to the best guy in the world, I have a married sister that is pregnant and I have finished that dreadful thing called school and couldn't wait to spend every hour of every day with my amazing family.

The End


Thanks to the people that have read my story I will be doing another story but it's about Austin and Rosie.

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Thank you <3

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