Hospital Visit

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-Taylor's POV-

I rushed towards Mia as she shook violently on the floor, the nurses pulled me away by the shoulder so that they could help her.

Doctors ran out and put her on a stretcher before taking her inside, I rushed behind them until I wasn't aloud to continue anymore.

This was all to much for me to handle, Mia was just a little girl and didn't deserve any of this.

I waited in the waiting room just outside of ICU ward, I counted each minute that passed until I nearly fell asleep on the couch.

I closed my eyes for a bit and thats when Dr. Allen -our family doctor- came to the waiting room, he sat down next to me and put his clipboard onto his lap.

"Has your sister been taking drugs?" He asked me straight away, my eyes grew big at the question and I remembered what Damen had said last night.

"W..what?" I asked shocked.

"We did a blood test and there are traces of drugs in her system, and when you arrived at the hospital she was having withdrawal symptoms," I sat there and took a deep breath.

"No she doesn't take drugs, there was another thing that happened." I said assuming that the whole situation at Timothy's house was true.

"Do tell?" He asked as he got his pen ready. I told Dr. Allen everything and he thinks it is quite possible.

"Do you think she could get some of her memory back from that night?" I ask Dr. Allen

"I am hoping we can so we can see if your theory is true." He said standing up.

"For now your sister needs to stay here for further testing and we can possibly discharge her no earlier than tomorrow afternoon"

-Xavier's POV-

I sat on my bed and wondered why Mia had left so quickly, I started closing my eyes and then I heard a knock on my door, it opened slowly and I saw my dad walking through,

"Dad?" I said softly with a raspy voice,

"I was just checking if you wanted some pizza for supper?" He said standing by my doorframe,

"Yes please" I said, I watched as my dad left the room while closing the door behind him.

My phone started to vibrate under my pillow. I took it from underneath and unlocked my phone to find a text message from Mia, my heart leaped at the sight of her name on my screen, I opened the text message and read it

Mia: Hi Xavier, I'm sorry for leaving your house so early. I'm in hospital and I can't leave until tomorrow afternoon, I'm sooo bored, love Mia xx

I frowned at the message and quickly replied

Me: I'm on my way Mia, see you just now, love Xavier x

I grabbed my hoodie from my chair and ran out the house past the pizza guy that had just arrived,

"Xavier where are you going?" My dad shouted from the door,

"I'm going to the hospital to visit Mia." I said as I got into the car and drove off.


I arrived at the hospital and walked to the front desk to find out Mia's ward number, I got the directions and walked to her room in anticipation.

I saw her sleeping with her phone in her hand and I smiled at her cuteness, I walked towards her and pulled up a chair next to her bed, her eyes fluttered and she smiled at the sight of me.

"Hay beautiful" I said as I pushed a strand of her hair out of her face,

"Hay" She said smiling a little.

She closed her eyes again and I watched her until visiting hours were nearly over,

"Xavier what are you doing here!" I heard someone shout behind me, I turned around towards the door and saw Taylor standing there furiously,

"She messaged me and I wanted to see her. " I said,

"Xavier, you need to go. Now" she said stepping aside for me to go through the door. I stood up and walked past her but I spun around and said,

"I am nothing like my father!" I said stern and then spun back around and walked out of the hospital.


Hay everyone,

Please vote for my stories and comment what you think! :D

Just want to give credit to my Best Friend Nadine that edits my tiny mistakes, Love you lots xx

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