Acting Different

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I woke up from a better sleep then the previous night, I pushed the warm duvet off of myself. I dragged myself to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face to try and wake myself up a bit more.

I got dressed into a short yellow summer dress with leggings and high boots, I checked myself in the mirror and was happy with the way I looked.

I went downstairs to get my lunch out the fridge and put it into my bag, I went to the cupboard and grabbed a bowl for my cereal, I poured the milk into my fruitloops and enjoyed the colorful, crunchy cereal as I watched a bit of the morning news with Jake. Taylor was still sleeping. She was so lucky.

"I'm ready Lilly" I said as I stood by the door waiting for her.

"Mia, I'll go get you a new phone today ok" she said as we walked to the car

"Ok no problem, thank you though" I said feeling bad about what had happened to my phone when I tripped.

We drove to school in silence and with me staring out the window like I did every other morning. As soon as the car stopped I said bye to Lilly and jumped out the car and went straight to my locker to put all my books away, I walked along the hall ways and I still hadn't seen Rosie today which was really odd, I sat at a bench until either Rosie came or the bell rang... I got up as the bell rang and frowned as I hadn't seen Rosie, 'maybe she is absent' I thought to myself as I got into class. I watched as Xavier came in the class surrounded by girls and he was enjoying it I rolled my eyes at the sight.

All the girls sat down and he sat down with them. I looked beside me, but the desk next to me was open. This is strange everyone is acting different today... Class ended and I spent my break alone without Xavier or Rosie, instead I watched Xavier kissing another girl and that girl used to be my best friend a few years ago, before my parents had died, I rolled my eyes and walked away from where I was sitting and went to find another bench to sit on during break.


The final bell rang and I walked out of the school to find Taylor's car, I stood on the side pavement and spotted her car straight away but I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to find Xavier there,

"What do you want" I said rolling my eyes at him "Whoa what did I do" he said. I shook my head and rolled my eyes "Xavier just... Please... Don't be like every other guy that is a jerk but maybe it's too late to tell you" I said turning around and just leaving him, I got into the car and saw him smirking at me like he knew he had made me jealous.

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked as she could see the whole thing,

"Well he was being a jerk..." I said so frustrated,

"What did he do?" Taylor said suddenly seeming very interested as she reversed out of the car park,

"Don't feel like talking about it..." I said leaning against the window.

"Ok sorry." Taylor said as she drove home.

We got home and I went straight to my room not caring about eating! I entered my room to find my new phone on the table, I smiled as I opened it and I put in all my contacts and downloaded all the apps etcetera, at least that was some good news. I walked downstairs as Lilly got home and thanked her for my new phone, I love iPhones and I had had such a crappy phone before that I was kind of clad that I had fell on it.


Hi Everyone, thank you soooo much for reading my story please vote for my story I would really appreciate it and comment what you think :D


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