Lots Of Eye Rolling

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I felt so nervous and I was scared he was going to recognize me.

"Uhm.. Mia?" He started saying hesitantly, I looked up shyly at him,

"Yeah" I said softly, scared my voice would sound like a squirrels.

"I kind of don't have my books yet and wouldn't you mind sharing with me?" He asked smiling, I looked up into his deep sea blue eyes, and it made my stomach tingle.

"Yeah.... sure." I moved my book so that he could see what we were learning, I don't think he recognized me with my glasses on which made me a bit more calmer.

The bell rang and I quickly grabbed my things and stuffed it into my bag in a hurry.

I hurried out the class before he had a chance to speak to me, I looked back and I saw a bunch of girls around him, he was such a girl magnet. he was probably wondering why I was running away from him.

I just rolled my eyes and carried on walking towards my locker. Feeling annoyed that I had a slight feeling for him. But that had burnt out as soon as I saw him flirting with some of the girls that used to be my friends.

I walked towards my locker to get my lunch out and the books I needed for the classes I had after break. I closed my locker and saw Xavier leaning besides the locker next to mine I gasped at the sight of him,

"What are you doing here?" I said muttered,

"Well I just wanted to say thank you for lending me the book but you ran off so quickly I didn't get a chance too." He said in soft voice that was so irresistible but not to me,

"Well you could of made it if you weren't covered by so many girls" I said as I locked my locker and walked away, he stood there giving me this evil smile.

I walked towards the cafeteria and looked through the crowd to try and find Rosie, I slowly pushed through and I saw her, far in the middle of the cafeteria and I eventually got to the table where Rosie was sitting, she saw me and her face brightened up instantly,

"So have you met the new guy yet?" She said taking a bite out of her sandwich, while I sat down across from her,

"Yeah..." I said not wanting to talk about it,

"Well I haven't but I have seen him in the hall way and all I have to say is wow..." She said smiling, I rolled my eyes at her comment, I get why the girls are so crazy over him but seriously have some humanity,

I got my apple out and we ate in silence,

"Hay, uhm... Mia... I kinda don't have any friends and I was wondering if I could sit with you and...-" Xavier hesitated, not knowing way Rosie's name was but before I could say anything Rosie instantly replied.

"Rosie, and YES!" She said smiling with wide eyes, I finished my mouthful of food, and looked up at him with a glare,

"You out of all people don't have any friends?" I said frowning at him, how could he not have any friends, he was the hot new guy, if he couldn't find guy friends there were plenty of other girls, why did he have to sit with me and make every girl at the school hate me because they were jealous, he stayed silent but had this smirk on his face and just sat down next to me, I looked back and saw all the girls giving me the death stare,

"Great more people that hate me," I mumbled to myself, and rolled my eyes,

"Owe!" I shouted as I felt a kick on my leg, I looked forward and saw Rosie grinning. I rolled my eyes and carried on eating my apple,

"So what's your name?" Rosie asked Xavier, he looked up from his phone and smiled "Xavier," He smiled as Rosie smiled back in a kind of creepy way, that made Xavier frown at her and then at me, but I jut ignored him and continued to eat my apple,

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