Chapter 2

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"Hi, Ms. Anneti. It's nice to meet you! This is my girlfriend, Andrea. We are looking to adopt a girl between the age of 10 and 12." A tall guy with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, a nose piercing and tanned skin said. He seemed really sweet and his girlfriend is gorgeous. Like can I be her? "My name is Kian. Kian Lawley." He added, politely.

"It's great to meet the both of you as well! I have gathered up the girls from age 10 to age 12. You can interview them, play games with them, whatever you'd like." Ms. Anneti told the couple.
They talked to us for a while and we played games until they turned and started whispering to each other. They must be making a desicion.

The moment has come to this. If I got adopted, my life would be turned upside down. If I didnt get adopted, I'd be upset and go back to sweeping the stairs and disinfecting the toilets. I probably won't be adopted by them though because their are plenty of other girls here that would fit better.

"Ms. Anneti? We've decided!" Andrea said excitedly. She smiled at all of us, but I could have sworn she held her gaze on me for a second longer than everyone else and my heart stopped.

"Excellent! Who have you chosen?" Ms. Anneti asked. She always used the word 'chosen'. I hate that. We are not chosen. It's not a game show where they choose the category. We are children, not categories.

It makes me so mad.

"We decided that we are going to adopt....Molly!" Kian said happily.
My eyes opened wide and my mouth dropped to the ground.

"M-m-me?" I choked out. They smiled and said yes.


After practically 4 years of being in this same orphanage, I finally get to call a place my home. An actually home. Not an orphanage.

The girls all congratulated me and I hugged all of them.

This is so exciting! I hope they're nice! They seem nice, but it could just be an act. I've heard kids who get adopted, but then they get abused and get sent back here. I suddey got scared. I really hope they don't hurt me.

They came up to my room and helped me pack. It wasn't much to pack though. It was my two shirts and one pair of pants that i packed in a plastic bag and then I said goodbye to everyone. I cried when I had to say goodbye to Katlyn.

"I'll write to you! If I can!" I told her as we headed out the door.

They walked me to their car and Kian told me to hop in.

The drive back was nice. It was about 20 minutes so Andrea and Kian talked about themselves and then asked about me a bit. I told them some of my story, but left out other pieces. They seem really nice and funny!

Apparently they are "Youtuber's". They tried to explain it to me, but I have no clue. I dont even know what Youtube is.

Sorry I've been living in a shoebox my entire life and only go outside when we all go out in the summer to play outside.

When Kian pulled into their driveway, I was amazed. Their house was huge!

"We're here!" Andrea said happily. Kian got out and grabbed my bag and then helped me out of the car and they both walked me into the house.

The house was even prettier on the inside!

"This is it! This is your new home, Molly!" They both said.

I smiled.

I think I'm gonna like it here! (lol Annie reference)

"Come see your room!" Andrea said excitedly as she lead me up the stairs to a room with a king sized bed, a flat screen tv, built in bathroom walk-in closet and fancy dresser.

"Whoa! This room is huge!" I gaped as I explored the room.

Andrea laughed.

She then told me that this was "the O2L house". I asked her what O2L is and she said that it is the Youtube channel that Kian is in and it is with his friends. All of them live here. The boys that make up O2L are Jc, Sam, Trevor, Connor, Ricky, and of course Kian. Andrea and a girl named Jenn live here too.

And now me too!

After I got settled, I heard screaming downstairs, so I decided to see what was going on. I walked down the carpeted stairs to find a bunch of boys dumping what looks like freezing cold water on each other.


"Uh...what's going on?" I asked concerned.

"Oh. Molly! Haha. These are my friends..." Kian says and introduces me and to all of O2L. They seem really nice. They explain that they are making a Youtube video and were playing truth or dare so Ricky had to pour ice cold water on Trevor, but things got out of hand.

"Wanna be in it?" Kian asked me nicely.

"Oh, um, no thank you." I paused. "Where's Andrea?" I added.

"In the kitchen I think," Kian answered.

I walked into the kitchen to find Andrea and some blonde girl cooking pizza.

"Hi Andrea. Who's this?" I said.

"Hey girly! This is my best friend Jenn I was telling you about. She lives here!"

Andrea told me.

"Hey Molly! I've heard a lot about you! You're so pretty!" Jenn told me and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged her back awkwardly. I'm not very good with new people, but I guess I'll have to get used to it because I'm going to be meeting a lot of new people from now on.

"Thank you! You are too!" I said in reply. "You both are!" I added and I smiled.

Everyone is so nice here. Crazy and loud, but nice.

I told Andrea I was going to go upstairs and take a shower before dinner because at the orphanage that is what the older girls had to do, so i was used to it and it felt like a routine which I liked.

When I got out, I realized that I still have the clothes from the orphanage.

Would I be getting new clothes? I looked in my closet and realized I was shocked. The closet was stocked full with clothes my size. It was awesome!

Sweatshirts, pants, shorts, underwear, bras, tanks, leggings, yogas, man pants, shirts, socks and pajamas.

I gawked at the amazing sight.

This was like heaven.

I decided to wear a hoodie that said "California Surfin'" on it and then put on a pair of black leggings.

It felt so weird to be wearing different clothes. It made me feel free. I wasn't trapped in that ratty old outfit that I had to wear every single day of the year.

I looked on the dresser and saw a
brush so I decided to brush my hair.

When I was all set, I hopped down the stairs happily and smelled the most amazing smell.


I was never allowed to have pizza at the orphanage. Only little kids when they had tantrums were allowed. It was like candy. Big kids were "too mature" for candy.

"Lunch is ready!" Jenn yelled to everyone in the house.

end of chapter 2;)

This cover was made by @Claudie2002 :)

Hope you like it!

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