Chapter 13

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"Hey Molly!" Carter said laughing and kissed my forehead.

"Hey babe," I said smiling.

I told him everything. Everything about Trisha.

I'm asking my parents now. Carter went up to my room so that I could ask.

"Uh. Mom? Dad?" I asked them quietly. They were in the family room doing work on their computers.

"Yeah?" My mom replied.

"Whatcha need?" Dad asked.

"Um..can I show you an email I got?" I asked them shyly.

They said ok and got up and walked over to where I was standing at my computer with the email open.

They read it and they book just looked at each other.

They were speechless.

"Sh-she's out of her coma..?" Dad spoke quietly.

"Wait. You knew?!" I yelled. How could they not tell me?!

"Baby girl, we weren't allowed to tell you. We really wanted to, but they wouldn't allow it. We are so sorry!" My dad replied shyly and apologetically.

I started to cry. My parents that I love to death, had been keeping a HUGE secret from me this entire time! How could they?

My mom didnt say anything, she just wiped the tears away, sadly.

"So.. uh, did you want to meet up with her...?" Dad asked me.

They both looked up at me and I nodded my head slightly.

"Just to see her though.." I told them reassuringly, the tears stopping.

I'm not gonna go back to her. I love my mother so much, but my parents are here now. I'm their daughter now, not Trish's.

------The day of the visit---------

"Alright let's go!" I called to my mom and dad.

They still weren't convinced that I wouldn't want to go back to her, but they put of happy faces and followed me out the door. And I did forgive them. It wasn't their fault; they were told by the government not to tell me, so of course they didn't.

We got in the car and I was so nervous. What does she look like now? Did the coma change her? Does she have defects? Will she like me?

Oh, I hope she likes me!

When we got to her house, my old house, so many memories came flooding back to me.

My first day of school, running across the lawn to get to the bus, my parents taking pictures of me getting on.

Riding my scooter up and down my driveway again and again.

So many different ones, just outside.

When I looked up at the small cottage, I began to cry.

I've missed this house so much.

Dad rubbed my back and my mom squeezed my hand.

When we rang the all too familiar doorbell, I heard someone unlocking the door. It opened revealing a woman in her late 30s it seemed like with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes like me. She was pretty tall; I was guessing around 5'10". She looked so much like I remembered. She hasn't changed a bit.

"Kendall!" She yelled and hugged me. I hugged her back and cried.

I've missed her so much. Just being in her arms made me feel so happy.

Happier than I've been in a long time.

We just hugged and hugged until she let go and invited us inside.

When I stepped inside my face lit up.

It was exactly how we left it.

The kitchen was the same. The family room was the same.

Suddenly I had an urge to see my room. I ran down the hall and into my old bedroom.

When I walked in I began to cry again. This room is where I slept every single night for 8 years. This room is my favorite.

The posters were still up, the closet was still full of my old clothes that probably don't fit anymore, and my bed was still a mess because I never made it.

I love this room so much.

I've dreamt about this house multiple times in the orphanage.

--Trish's POV--

I am so happy to see my daughter again. She is so beautiful. She looks so much like her dad and I.

I was so exited when she agreed to come. When she got here, her "parents" looked nervous.

Good. Let them be.

I knew that when she came inside the house and saw everything the way it was when she left-her room, the playroom, the family room- that she would want to come back home.

Where she belongs.

I love her too much too lose her again. Those people, Kane and Andree don't deserve her like I do.

<A/n: yes..I spelled Kian and Andrea's names wrong on purpose. Trish just despises them so..>

I haven't seen her in 3 years or so. I've missed her so much.

And I never signed the papers saying she could be adopted by Kane and what's her face.

They only let her be adopted because I was "dead", well they knew I was in a coma, but everyone thought i wouldn't make it so they just said I was dead.

But now that I'm not, they have no authority of taking my sweet, sweet Molly Kendall Walsh.

She is mine. I gave birth to her. Raised her. She is mine.

Forever and always.

I will get her back. No matter what.




Hope you liked it!

So do you guys like Trish? Do you think she's being obnoxious or she just really wants her daughter back?

Does she seem like a threat to Kian and Andrea?

Will Molly go back to her mother?

Will she have the choice? If she does, who will she chose?

Those are just some questions you might have. If you do please comment below what u think the answers are:)


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