Chapter 22

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"How long was I out?" I asked nobody in particular.

"A week. You lost so much blood that they put you in surgery and had to find you a blood donor. The blood donor gave you a lot of blood, so now he is in surgery, recovering." My dad answered.

"Oh." I replied. "Who was the donor?"

"The donor was.............."


"...........Carter." I heard my mom tell me quietly.

"What?" I yelled.

Why would Carter risk his life just to save mine?

"Carter has the same bloody type as you. AB negative. That bloody type is extremely rare; the rarest of all bloody types. He is going to be okay though. We will visit him in the hospital in a few hours, but for right now, you need to rest." My mom said as we pulled into the driveway and got out.

"B-but, this doesn't make sense. He broke up with me." I told them. They seemed shocked. I guess I forgot to tell them that detail of information.


"Aw. I'm sorry sweetie. He must still like you if he risked his life for yours. He obviously still cares." My dad told me.

"When can I visit him?" I asked them.

"Now if you want." My mom said and we drove to the hospital.

When we got there we checked in and found his room. Room 213.

I stood in front of closed door. I took a deep breath and slowly opened it, bracing myself for what condition he's in.

Once I saw his paler than normal face, I burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry Carter! You didn't have to do that for me." I told him quietly.

"Y-yes I did. I love you Molly. I always will. Even if you don't love me anymore, I still will. I made a huge mistake breaking up with you. Can you ever forgive me?" He said weakly. He lost so much blood that he was really pale and really weak.

He looked like one of those sad puppies in the adoption commercials with the song "In the arms of the awayyy from here.." It made me cry even more looking at him.

I caused this. I felt terrible.

"I love you too baby." I said and kissed him. A passionate kiss that lasted for about a minute. When we pulled away we were both smiling. "Of course I can forgive you."

The smile on his face grew even more, if that's even possible. "Will you be my girlfriend....again?" He asked.

"Of course!" I replied and we kissed again and I hugged him.

I am so thankful for Carter. He is the kindest, funniest, smartest, sweetest boyfriend ever. I love him so much.

I do feel bad though. He risked his life for me. He shouldn't have done that.

On a different note, I've decided to fully stop cutting. To make sure I keep my vow, my whole family will be checking up on me and doing an arm check every night.

It's gonna be weird, but necessary. I can't let myself be that naive and self-conscious.

I am beautiful. I am amazing. And if people can't see my true beauty then they can go f**k themselves.

I'm not aloud to swear in my house, cause I'm only 12, but I still do when nobody is around.

There are two more months of school and then summer vacation. I can't wait!

The entire summer we are going to Hawaii! I'm pumped:)

School has been going great ever since I got back. I've made a bunch of new friends.

My best friend is Chloe though, by far. We text constantly, have all classes together and we have hung out everyday since we became friends a week ago.

She is my rock. She is what's holding me together. If she wasn't here, I would be struggling to keep up with school and being a YouTuber and my stupid self-consciousness.

She makes me sane.


Today, Chloe, me, Jenn, Sam, and Sam's girlfriend Acacia were going to the beach to hang out and have fun.

Chloe and I love hanging out with people older than us. We act older than we look anyways, so it helps.

When we got to the beach, I stripped out my cover up and ran across the sand until I reached the water. Chloe was right behind me.

When she caught up with me, she was panting.

"Jeez you run fast!" She said and we both laughed.

We jumped into the cold California water.

Now the only reason it's cold is because its December. And it's not even that cold.

We love swimming in December. It's so fun to think that people on the East Coast are miserable, inside, away from frostbite, while we are in the ocean at the beach.

"Hey guys! Time for lunch!" Acacia called us.

Chloe and I looked at each and grins formed on our faces.

We both screamed in sinc, "FOOD!" And we booked it to where the rest of them were setting up our lunch.

Sam looked at us and laughed. Jenn and Acacia joined in and then we did too.

After lunch, we decided to shopping at the mall a few minutes away from the beach.

We decided to walk there, so we for changed in the public changing rooms and walked to the mall.

When we got there, Chloe, Jenn and I went one way and Sam and Acacia went another way.

Jenn took us first to Charlotte Russe, a store that I have fallen in love with. Chloe loves it too.

We bought a crap load of stuff and paid. Our total was $352! But I guess that wasn't bad for Jenn because she just casually slid her credit card along the swipes thingy.

Ha. Swiper. Swiper no swiping!

Today was so fun. On our way home, we dropped Chloe off at her house and then I went straight to bed. I was exhausted.



Hope you liked it:)

The Chloe I added into this book is actually a Wattpad writer. Her username is:


Make sure you give her some love on her new book and follow her:)

This book will be ending soon:( I know..sad:( it's probably gonna be like 5 or 6 more chapters until the end. I'm going to have an epilogue a and possibly a sequel, but idk yet.

Make sure you:





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