Chapter 6

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"On three. One..two...three!" I said and we ripped the covers off of Kian and Andrea's bed.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" We all screamed in their ears.

They squirmed and Kian told us to leave them alone. We laughed and went downstairs.

They had no idea what was coming their way.

We got everything ready and waited for them to come downstairs.

A half hour later, we heard then walk down the staircase, so everyone got ready.

"You guys woke us up way too early! It's only 10:30! Geez!" Andrea said groggily.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!....AGAIN!" Everyone said.

They looked so surprised, it's not even funny.

"Mom! Dad!" Andrea screamed and jumped into the arms of her parents. She hasn't seen them since she moved to California.

"Mom! Dad!" Kian yelled as well. He hasn't seen his parents for a couple months, 4 to be exact.

This was all my idea. I arranged it for their anniversary. I knew they would be siked.

And I really wanted to meet my grandparents!

"How did you get here?" Andrea asked her parents.

Kian was wondering the same thing.

Both sets of parents turned and pointed to me. I blushed and smiled.

Kian and Andrea ran and gave me a huge hug.

I love them so much! They are the best parents in the world.

"Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!" I whispered to them.

That was the first time I called them mom and dad. It just felt right.

--Andrea's POV--

Molly arranged for Mom and Dad to come and I was so excited when I saw them!

I've missed them so much! Molly is the best.

"Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!" Molly whispered to Kian and I while we gave her a huge hug.

Did she just say Mom and Dad?

That's the first time shes ever said that...

Awww!! I love her so much!

--Kian's POV--

Molly is the best daughter ever!

For Andrea and I's anniversary she got our parents to come visit! I've missed them so much!

Andrea and I gave her the biggest hug ever and she whispered to us, "Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!"


Did she just and dad?!

She did!

That's the first time shes ever called us that!

I love her so much! My life is so great right now!

I have Andrea, my parents, Molly Andrea's parents, and all my friends with me.



End of chapter 6!

It was kinda short but who cares?

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