Chapter 8

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"I love you both so much!" I whispered tears streaming down my face. "I wish you were here with me. My life is great now. I have parents who love me almost as much as you did. I love them too. The orphanage I stayed in sucked. I'm just glad to be out. Your grave is really pretty by the way. I miss you guys. I think about you everyday."

That's right. I'm at my parents grave. I have been waiting years to see it because I wasnt allowed to go to the funeral. I have no clue why.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to talk to my real parents. whether mom and dad liked it or not.

And I was never told where they were buried. It took me months of secretly looking through papers in the office desk to find out which cemetery.

And of course when I did, I had no way of getting their or getting directions. But now that I have an iPhone and a Mac, I looked it up and directions.

I felt so happy sitting beside their grave. I felt like I was with them.

I started telling them stories I remembered with them.I told them how I remember the time I got suspended from first grade for flipping a desk over because some little girl didnt share her crayons with me. And the time we went to Disney and I barfed on my dad on one of the roller coasters. And the times my mom and I went shopping together and bought so much stuff and came home to a pissed dad because we bought so much. And the day of my school play, my mom decided to cut my hair for the play because my character had short hair; yeah long story short, my hair...looked atrocious. It looked like a 5 year old cut it.

I laughed while telling some of them, and it felt so great to be with them.

Then it got serious.

"Why? Why would you go to a party, get drunk, and drive home afterwards? You put me through hell because of that. I know you both died, but were you even thinking, when you went to that party, about me? I might be selfish right now, but it doesn't matter.
When I found out you had died, I didn't sleep for months. I'm not even joking. Months. Of course the orphanage didnt give a living shit about what I did. That orphanage was a hell whole. I'm rambling on and on, but I just want you to know that I was disapointed in you both. Of course I love you more than anyone and miss you so much, but I'm disapointed. Very. Maybe I'm wrong about this. Maybe their is an amazing explanation for this, but hey, I don't know it. And there's no way I could. I'm sorry. I have to vent somehow. I love you so much. I really do." I rattled on and on.

Then my phone buzzed and I pulled it out.

'Hey where r u? Lunch is readyy:) -JC'

I quickly responded back then put my phone away.

"I love you guys. I'll see you really soon!" I said and got up and ran back home.

Home. Just saying that word is weird. For the first time in years, I actually have a home...

When I got back, I smelled Dunkin' Donuts.


"What'dya get me?" I squealed.

Dunkin' is the best!

"The usual. Iced Caramel Macchiato Extra Extra and a chocolate chip muffin." Mom said from around the corner.

"YAY! Thank you!" I yelled to her and dove into my food.

<<<A/n 🎵I'M ABOUT TO DIIIIVE IIN🎵 anybody got that? The song? Yah no? No? Alright...>>>

After lunch, we all decided to go swimming. I invited Carter to come too.

When he got here, we hugged.

"Hey Carter!" I said.

"Hey kid. I am so pumped to go swimming! I don't have a pool." He said excitedly, except the last part. He made a sad puppy dog face.

I laughed and pulled him out to the O2L pool. The pool that all O2L fans know. It's in a lot of their videos which I find funny.

"Let's go!" I yelled to everyone in the house and all the sudden it was like a stampede. The entire world was running down the stairs and outside. It was insane how fast my family moved. (Yes I call all of them my family now-not just mom and dad).

I took off my t-shirt and shorts revealing a black and white striped bikini.

Carter took off his shirt and revealed a surprising six-pack. It was quite a sight.

We both ran into the pool before anyone else could and did huge cannonballs, splashing everyone else.

"OH! YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!" Trevor screamed. He ran and jumped legit on top of me, in the pool.

"Ow! You idiot! Why would you jump on top of me!" I yelled.

Trevor and I are really close. He is the second youngest one here. Of course he doesn't actually live here, but he's over here all the time so we've become like brother and sister.

Trevor and I started splashing each other and I got Carter to join my team.

Then everyone joined in. It was so fun!

The time in the pool made me almost forget about my visit to the cemetery today.




End of chapter 8:)

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