Chapter 7

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"We love you baby! We'll be back soon! Be good for Mrs. Rodah!"

"Ok! I love you! Bye Daddy and Mommy. Have fun."

That was the last time I saw my parents. They were going to a New Years Eve party. On the way home, they were drunk and my dad swerved into an electrical pole and died.

I was 8 years old when my parents died. I was 8 years old when my life changed entirely.

Mrs. Rodah was my neighbor at the time. She had her own family, so she didn't take me in. I was sent to an orphanage and stayed there until now. 3 years.

3 years doesn't seem that long, but just imagine being forced to live in a place where you don't know anyone. You're all alone. You have nobody to kiss you at night, or tell you stories of when you were little. No one to talk to you when you're upset, or listen to you vent about your problems. Imagine being so used to a great lifestyle and then one day being taken away from it to get an awful lifestyle filled with moldy sandwiches, babysitting responsibilities, chores, chores and chores.

<<<A/n if I said anything about Molly being in the orphanage for her whole life..I'm changing it. 8-11 at the orphanage, not all her life. :)>>>

Living in the orphanage was awful. The only good part was my best friend that I mentioned before. She was so nice to me and made me feel better when I was missing my parents.

There hasn't been a day since they died that I haven't thought about them.

I loved them so much. They were such amazing parents. They werent the druggy type of parents. It was a huge surprise that they were drunk when they died.

I mean of course when I found out, that is not what I focused on..

"Dad? Can I ask you a question?" I asked Ki- I mean Dad.

"Sure. Ask away!" He said to me happily.

"What is my last name officially? Because you and Mum aren't married, so would I still have your last name or would it be combined?" I asked. I've been confused about this since I got here.

I mean I'm guessing its Lawley, but I don't want it to be.

I mean Molly Lawley? Really? That just sounds weird. They both rhyme.

"Well on your adoption papers it says Molly Lawley, but that kinda sounds weird so you can say Russett or Russett-Lawley or Lawley-Russett.
Whatever you want. But officially it's Lawley." He responded.

I smiled and said, "Ok thanks!"

I've decided to call Kian and Andrea my mom and dad, and refer to my birth parents as my mother and father. It seems logical to do that. I hope in heaven they understand and don't get angry with me calling other people my mom and dad.

I got up from the couch and went upstairs. I unplugged my phone from it's iHome dock, changed into a neon pink sports bra, black spandex and my running sneakers and went downstairs.

"Is it ok if I go on a run?" I asked nobody in particular once I got downstairs.

"Sure! Just stay in the neighborhood so you don't get lost! And keep your phone on you!" Andr- uh, Mom said.

"Ok byyyye!" I yelled to everyone who was there at the house and ran outside into the warm California air.

This is it. I can finally go to where I've wanted to go for years.

I started running towards my destination. I had looked it up earlier and now I was ready to go.

I ran as fast as I could. I'm gonna make it! Finally!



End of chapter 7:)

Enjoyed it? I hope so!

Questions? Comments? Tell/Ask me all of them!

Questions you might have:

•Where is Molly running to?

•Is Molly running away from home?




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