Chapter 23

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Today is the last day of school. And then we go on our Hawaii trip in a few days! I am so excited.

I've been packing for the last week, that's how excited I am.

I've never been out of the state of California so I can't wait!

"Hey Mom? Dad? What is it like in Hawaii?" I ask my parents that every single day, it annoys the crap out of them, I can tell.

All of the O2L boys are going too! And Jenn! They have already all been to Hawaii together, but now they are going again, and taking me! Jenn hasn't gone either so we are the newbies.

I decided to make a YouTube video about how excited I am.

"Hey everyone, it's Molly! I have some exciting news. My family and I are going to Hawaii! My mom, dad, me, Sam, JC, Ricky, Trevor, Connor and Jenn are leaving in a few days. I have legit been packing, unpacking and then packing again so many times because I want it to be the best trip ever. I've never actually been out of the state of California, so this is going to be an amazing experience." I said and then continued with the video.

Then I got to editing it and finally after like two hours, I posted it.

Just then I got a text from Carter.

Hey cutie<3 whatcha up to? xx

I replied with:

Hey<3 nm. Wanna come over? xx

I decided to text Chloe and see if she wanted to come over too.

Hey Chlo:) come over now! Haha xx

She answered back like less than a minute later.

Sure thaaang girly<3 see ya in 5 :)

Chloe lives just around the corner, so it takes like 5 minutes to walk here.


"NO! YOU CHEATED! I WIN!" Chloe screamed at the top of her lungs pulling the controller away from Carter.

"NO I DIDN'T! I WON FAIR AND SQUARE!" Carter yelled back and pulled the controller from Chloe and ran up the basement stairs laughing like a hyena.

"Jeez. Carter might be just as competitive as you!" I told Chloe and she looked at me seriously.

"Nobody is as competitive as me. Not even close. I am Queen. Bow down to me peasant!" She said and we both cracked up laughing. We were laughing for so long that when Carter came back and asked us what we were laughing about, we had no clue.

"Alright back to the game." I said and we focused on FIFA again.

We are all obsessed with that game.

I love them both so much. Chloe is the best friend anyone could have and Carter is an amazing boyfriend.

They make me forget about cutting and stressing out.

They keep me calm.

Hope you liked it:) it was kinda short and a filler but whatever.

Right now I'm jamming out to "God Only Knows" by MKTO and its 11:30 pm and I have to wake up at 4:30 am to start our long car ride. Wish me luck:/

If u liked it then please make sure you:





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