chapter 1

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(Before i start i will apologize for being absent for a long time, i also apologize for crap spelling, punctuation ext..... Well I hope you enjoy this story. Some chapters will be short some will be long. I don't have a certain day i upload these chapters will come out randomly. when the writing is bold that is an authors note and when the writing is slanted it is when The characters text each other. that probably made no sense:3)


Hello my name is Kelly Ridgewood
I am a gay 16 year old girl attending crimson college(A place i have made up)
I am an only child living in England
I live with my mother Wendy and my father feral
Mum and dad are extremely homophobic well mum is more than my dad
I've been told by many people i am good at writing and i want to be a writer when I'm older
I am part of a band with my friends. We haven't given it a name yet even though this band was made 6 months ago. we have been told by many people we are amazing.
The band has 4 members
Me- lead singer and i play the electric guitar
Zoe- my best friend who writes the songs and does back up vocals
Rickey- plays the drums
And Mike who plays the piano.

when i was 10 years old i was diagnosed with depression. Ever school I've gone to i have been bullied because of my music taste, my looks and what i wear. have people heard of my chemical romance or seen a lip piercing before?

Oh i almost forgot I am madly in love with the colleges my popular girl ever Grace Mayfield. sadly my love won't ever be returned.

so that's the first chapter of the unexpected twist. I know this doesn't seem like much but i actually enjoyed writing this. i already have the other chapters ready to upload so expect more from me soon. This story is pure fiction none of this has happened me me or based around me whatsoever.
Fell free to message me or comment if there is something wrong with the writing.

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