chapter 20(final chapter)

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Grace's pov
10 years later

16th October, Kelly's birthday. I'm going to propose to her. I love her and I want to make our relationship official. I want to stay by her side and grow old with her. Tonight will be perfect since Kelly has been on tour for 6 months. Of course we have called and Skyped but I wanna see her in person plus I have been busy going to different theaters to dance and perform in front of  crowds
My plan is when she gets in through the door there will be a candle lit dinner with her favorite meal on the table, steak, with cups of wine by the side of the plates.
Once we get to eat the food and catch up on how things are I'm going to take her out to the park close to the apartment  and then propose.

I have a busy evening ahead of me so I better get started

*couple hours later*

I finished everything the food all prepared, the drinks are prepared the rings prepared and I'm prepared. I decided to look nice for Kelly when she got in so I decided to put on a black skirt, a pink crop top, with a black waist coast that I borrowed from Kelly's wardrobe and a pair of black flats.
I sit n the sofa(couch) and wait for Kelly, luckily I didn't have to wait ever long because I heard the door open and close.  I ran to the front door to see Kelly standing there with a huge smile on her face. I run up to her like a 5 year old seeing candy and give her a massive hug, I could feel the tears of happiness form in my eyes.
"I missed you baby!" Kelly giggles lifting me wrapping my legs around her waist kissing her passionately
"I missed you so much" I choke through tears. I felt her hand stroke the back of my head as I dig my  head into her shoulder.
I get down off Kelly and take her into the kitchen

"SURPRISE! Happy 26th birthday babe!" I giggle when I saw the shock on her face. Kelly goes and sits down by the table taking a sip from the wine.
"steak and red wine your favorite" I say sitting down taking a sip of the wine.
"Thank you, how long did this take to make?" Kelly asks taking a bite from her food.
"A couple hours but it was so worth it" I giggle

Once we finished our meals and our drinks we go and take a seat on the couch to catch.

"So how did tour go?" I ask
"It actually went well. We had one performance where a drunken guy came up on stage and broke my guitar but apart from that it was fun. More and more people at every venue. Zoe broke up with Jack but is now together with this guy called bobby who in my opinion is a twat but he has a great sense of humor. We also sold all of our albums and all of our merch" Kelly explained. She sounded so happy which I love.
"AW that sounds amazing, um did you get a new guitar or do you want me to buy you one" I offer
"You've done enough work today plus I will buy it for myself" Kelly replies getting up and walking to her bag " I bought you something"
"Really!" My voice went from deep to sounding like a five year old.
"Here" She handed me a photo frame which had a photo of a band called ghost town, my favorite
"Thank you!" I squeal
"Look at the side of the photo" Kelly says
As I loom at the side I realize there's signatures. The signatures of the band!
"THANK YOU!" I squeal and tackling Kelly into a hug.
"wanna go for a walk?" I ask getting off Kelly
"Sure let me grab a warmer jacket. speaking of jackets want me to grab you one too?" Kelly shouts heading to the bedroom
"Yes please" I shout back grabbing the front door keys.
Kelly walks out and hands me a jacket. I intertwine our fingers locking the door behind us then heading off. After me and Kelly left college we both got the jobs we wanted earning money daily, we soon decided to get an apartment together and we lived with each other ever since.

We decide to head to the park hence it's our favorite place ever. We cross the bridge connecting the pavement to the park and walk to the cherry blossom tree we love. I let Kelly walking ahead of me so I can get the ring box out.
"Kelly?" I say nervously going down on one knee opening the box"Yeah" She says turning around round her face full of shock and happiness.

"Will you marry me?"


so thats it, the story is complete. I am really proud of this story I did so much planning and writing so many different versions till I was  happy with what I had and this is the final result. I hope whoever read this story really liked it.
Again I apologies for the bad spelling and grammar through out this entire thing.
Even I'm sad that the story is over lol.
Leave a comment on what you think of the story please (like anyone would though)

But don't be sad because more stories are coming, I have a lot of ideas. I might even make a second book to this one about the side characters (aka mike and mike's relationship or even Zoe's life who knows)

Again thank you to whoever read this <3

now for the fun part..... going back through and fixing mistakes hahahahah oh god this is gonna be a nightmare *insert laughing face emoji*

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