chapter 19

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Kelly's pov

I rush over to Grace's house, Seriously as soon as things get good something or someone ruins it. Just our luck. And the whole school knows is 10x worse, people aren't that accepting anymore.

I knock on the front door waiting for an answer. The door opens and I am greeted by Grace's mother
"I've come to see Grace she wants to see my English notes oh and I'm Kelly Ridgewood" I smile politely but really I just want to go see Grace
"So your my daughters girlfriend, oh and she is upstairs come on in" The mother smiles and lets me in.
"Yes and I love Grace, nice meeting you" I say then rush up the stairs towards Grace's room. I walk in and see Grace sitting on her bed, she has been crying. I run over and comfort her telling her that we are gonna get through this together no matter what happens. I lay her down so she is laying on her back and I lean down and kiss her on the lips. After a few minutes Grace shows me the smile she knows that I love. I collapsed to her side and we just sit there cuddling until Grace's phone ringtones goes off, power by little mix. She gets up off the bed and walks over to her phone. she answers the call and puts in on speaker phone.

Lillian- Oh so you aren't dead? that's sad
Grace- do you really think I would kill myself after what you did
Lillian- A girl can dream
Kelly- Your sick and twisted
Lillian- oh so your both together thats good
Kelly- why are you so against us?
Lillian- because I hate fags
Grace- Yes me and Kelly are together and because we love each other were gonna get through this together
Lillian- What about the bullying you'll get?
Kelly-Don't worry we got it handled
Lillian- I hate you both!
Lillian shouts then hangs up

"Have you got this handled?" Grace asks
"Trust me the headmaster has looked after me since the begging, he was close friends with dad and so he will try and protect me" I smirk getting up off the bed ready to leave
"Ah wait where are you going?" I hear Grace whine like a child
"Have you seen the time, I need my sleep" I chuckle giving her a kiss

"wow 12:00, didn't realize it was so late, stay here tonight please" I look over to Grace who is giving me puppy dog eyes. I can't say no to the eyes.
"fine" I sigh and walking back over to Grace.
I lay down on her bed and get comfy. I look at Grace but she is giving me a strange look.
"what?" I say
"Oh nothing I just realized your not wearing makeup"
"And that's a bad thing?" I smirk at how much she is blushing
"no its not you look really nice" She stutters nervously "Also there is spare pj's over there you can wear them"
"Thank you" I get up get change into the pj's then slump back onto the bed.
"God your bed is so comfy" I say snuggling into the blankets
"Haha night Kelly"

*the next morning*

I wake up and try remember where I was then suddenly all the events of yesterday flashed back into my head. I sit up and quietly get out of bed. I look at Grace who was still in her deep sleep. She looked really funny with the thing over her eyes. I make my way towards the bathroom to have a shower. As soon as I'm about to turn on the shower when I hear Grace.
"In the bathroom Grace I'm gonna take a shower"
I turn on the shower and hop inside.
I hear the bathroom door and open and close.
"Don't worry just brushing my teeth"
"Okay don't get any ideas" I chuckle evilly
"wouldn't dream of it" she evilly replies then we bot go into a fit of laughs.

By the time I get out the shower Grace was in the room getting changed. Black jeans, converse, white shirt and a twenty one pilots jacket. I took the spare tooth brush and brushed my teeth.
"Mum washed your clothes so they are dry and clean" Grace says then returns to her phone. I walk back into the bathroom and change into my clothes. Fish net tights, black skirt, a white t-shirt, black waist coat, black flats and to top the outfit off a mcr jacket. I put my hair up in a pony tail, I make sure my annoying side fringe was perfect. I look towards and Give race a look thats said are you ready? she looks back and gives a look that says I'm ready. I look at the time 9:30! crap college starts in 10 minutes. I grab Graces hand and pull her down the stairs with our school bags and out of the house.
we make it to school with 5 mins to spare thankfully, we make our way towards the headteachers office we need to talk to him about this.

*knock knock*

"Come in" The headmaster said
"Hi sir" I say
"Ah Kelly and Grace welcome what can I do for you?"
"we wanna talk to you about something thats happened lately" Grace says

*time skip*

"Thank you for telling me this, I would like to make an assembly about the whole bullying subject" He says getting his announcing system ready

"Good morning crimson college, This is he headteacher can all students gather in the hall for a assembly please Thank you"

"thank you sir" I say then walking out of the office. We make our way to the hall not caring about the whispers and comments we got from people. We took our seats next to Rickey and mike who looked confused for the assembly.
"Where's Zoe?" I ask
"She is sitting over there with her new boyfriend jack" Rickey says
"Aw straight love" I joke around because Zoe is the only straight one out of all of us.
"So how is you two's relationship"Grace asks curious
"It's doing okay we've had a few arguments but thats about it, nothing to serious don't worry I still love the guy with all my heart" Rickey chuckles leaning over giving Mike a kiss on the lips. I could tell that Mike was blushing
"Mike your blushing" Grace teases grabbing his cheek
"Shut up" Mike laughs. silence spread across the room as the headmaster walks into the room.

"Good morning students, there's something that has caught my eye lately, Bullying. I've seen kids being bullied a lot lately for their sexuality, what they like, their race, what they wear and who they hang around with. Yeah you think its fun until that person can't take the bullying anymore and they kill themselves. What about their families?
Exactly. your college students you should know better. From now on If i catch anyone bullying others you WILL be EXPELLED!
Thank you for your time you may go" the headmaster announces then leaves the room. Everyone gets up and follows him out. Me, Grace, Mike and Rickey all wait until everyone leaves then we get up to leave.

We manage to find Zoe and her boyfriend in the crowd. He was way taller than she was but it was funny and cute. We all walk towards the music club room, I take the key out of my pocket and unlock the door, we all walk in and take the usual seats we sit in. I turn to look at Zoe but she is already snogging her boyfriend, I then look at Mike and Rickey and they're doing the same and then turn to Grace who sat there looking up and me smiling.
"Oh screw it" I chuckle and then sit on Grace's lap and start kissing her.

Everything at college will defiantly get better now
I hope me and Grace stay together
There's a lot of things I hope for but from now on I will face life head on. I am stronger than I was and that is because of people who when I feel like I'm nothing make me happy and feel cared for

There's one last chapter after this one then the story is finished

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