My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 21

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Chapter 21

"Care to explain yourself?" I inquire like the big bad detective, my eyes set on one thing - my prey. "What could you have possibly said that would push those judges to give my stupid behaviour top marks?" I ask again, but it was more exasperated than anything. Nothing happens, though. It was just silent, just the wind blowing past our skin. "Do you think this is some kind of sick joke?"

"Elouise, I suggest you layoff the detective shows," a deadly familiar voice says from the door behind my back. "You're most certainly not a part of CSI, or Bones or NCIS. Whatever crime investigation show you're trying to copy, just stop it, honey." My mother's head suddenly - and strangely - appears right above my shoulder, her laugh ringing in my ears. I quickly jerk forward, desperately trying to cover them. "Plus, the suspect that you're questioning is never going to talk. You know, seeing that he is a cute, adorable teddy bear." She huffs another laugh, but it wasn't as defeaning as the one before. She wasn't cackling right next to my ear.

I rolled my eyes at her. Mom had a sense of humor of some sort, despite the fact that she acts like a military sergeant half the time. I loved her, though. I don't think it's even possible not to love her; she's my mother, it's simply unconditional. "Go away, Mom."

She looked into my eyes, her blue ones filling with curiosity and amusement. "So what's this about? Is it Zeke? Is he cheating on you?" Her mouth went slack and her crystal blue eyes - the exact same colour as mine - widened with fright.

Did she really think that Zeke and I were already together?

Well...that's...I don't even know.

"NO! Mom, no!" I yelled, my head twisting and turning. I do not need her giving Penny any ideas. It's bad enough that she's devious all by herself; Mom being unaware of the evil influence that she can give is just icing on the cake. Anyway, after I thought the cost was clear, I let out a breath and wiped my face. "For the record, Zeke and I are just friends. I actually don't know who I'm supposed to interrogate," I replied with an unsure smile.

"You'll figure it out, El. I mean, I don't know how long it'll take you to realise what Charlie really means to you, but I know you'll get some point." That won her a dumbfounded stare from yours truly. What is this woman even talking about? "I know you're confused, but go think it through while you buy us some groceries." She handed me a small handwritten shopping list and her debit card. Then, she sends me off without another word and she sends me a sly wink. I don't know which scared me more.

The nearest supermarket wasn't very far away from our house. It was a fifteen minute walk, give or take. As I take my time walking on the sidewalk, my mind worked like a well-oiled machine, running on five confused thoughts per second. I wanted to know what my mom was up to, whether or not she was indirectly manipulating me into doing something stupid. I guess I now have a better understanding of where Penny got her manipulation skills.

Did I get that gift too?

Probably not, I'm not that persuasive.

When the supermarket was in my line of vision, the sidewalk was a little more crowded and I started hearing parts of other people's conversations.

"...don't lose your foot..."

"...brothers are running..."

"...her cheeks aren't..."

Everything was random and I was trying not to laugh. People would think I'm nuts and I don't want that. Now, all was good and fine, until I heard one full sentence that made my feet cease to work.

"Hey, Eric, I think I found the girl you were looking for."

Shit. You need to start running, Eli.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now