I can't lose you

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I can't wait anymore. I'm so excited to go to Shawn, I wanna see him, hug him, smell him and touch him and see him in real life. Damn, waiting can be so long. I just came back from shopping. I brought some amazing clothes for the concert and also new perfume. I hope Shawn likes it and I also hope I will look good on the M&G picture. What will happen if I don't look good. Gosh I will feel so bad then. It will ruin everything.
But I shouldn't be thinking about that because that will make everything worse. I hear someone knocking on the door, probably Lukas

I'm waiting till Soraya opens the door. I hear her footsteps come closer. When she opens the door I have her the flowers I bought her this morning. She looks surprised but also happy. 'Thank you Lukas, that's very kind of you and the flowers are beautiful!' She says. 'No problem! Do you wanna come with me to the cinema?' 'Uhm yes sure. But first let me change I'll be ready in 5 minutes.

I don't know what happened to Lukas but he seems like a boy who wants to flirt with me. But why? We broke up one year ago and we were both fine with that, so why is he acting like that? It's weird but I decide not to think about it anymore and just enjoy the movie and to spend the time with him as friends.
A few hours later we walk out of the cinema. The film was amazing. It was romantic, but not too romantic and it was also a little bit scary. I love that kind of movies. 'Wanna go heal some food?' Lukas asks. 'Yes sure!'
We eat a pizza somewhere and then walk back home. When we're standing in front of my house Lukas suddenly leans over to me and tries to kiss me...

'Lukas! What are you doing? What's wrong with you!?' I step back. Why is he doing this. Is he still in love with me? All these questions are running through my head. I don't know what to do. I feel tears coming out of my eyes. 'You really disappointed me Lukas. Why did you do this?' 'I...I... I don't know.' Lukas turns around and runs alway. And I stand there, confused.

I made the worst mistake in my whole life. I really thought she loved me too. But it was probably only as a friend. Now I lost my best friend. How can I be so stupid? I start crying. You fool, it's you're own fault.

I'm bored. I don't know what to do but I can't go anywhere because the M&G starts in about an hour. I feel tired. How can I do a concert and meet fans when I feel like that? I decide to try to sleep a bit so I ask Andrew to wake me up on time.
The M&G was exhausting but also really nice to see all the happy fans. Also the Q&A was funny because some of the fans ask such nice and funny questions.
But as usual I most liked the concert it self. I love it so much when fans sing along with me. That makes me so happy.

I'm laying on my bed. I feel sad, broken and disappointed. He was my best friend and now he did this to me. He ruined my happiness... I was so happy these days because I'm almost going to see Shawn but now Lukas ruined everything. After a while I decide to not think about it anymore and only think about the concert which is in two days. I already feel a lot better when I'm thinking about that.

Last day before concert. I can't wait anymore. Tomorrow I'm seeing Shawn, the love of my life. I know he'll never notice me but I can still dream about it. This afternoon my two best friends Melissa and Nina will come to me. They're going with me to the concert and they stay over tonight so we can leave early. I feel still bad about what happened with Lukas yesterday but I'm not letting that ruin my happiness.
I hear the doorbell ringing. When I open the door I see Lukas standing there. He looks like he had a bad night and his eyes are red from crying. 'I wanna say sorry. I don't know what happened to me yesterday. I.. I thought you still loved me too. I.. I don't know, but I'm sorry. I think I felt desperate or something. Do you still wanna be friends?' He looks so sad now. I'll forgive him because I know he really regrets it. I can see that in his eyes. And I don't wanna lose my best friend. He made a mistake but that happens with everybody. 'I'll forgive you and yes I still wanna be friends and yes I love you but in a friendly way. Okay?' 'I understand.' Lukas leans over to me and gives my a hug. He stays with me till Melissa and Nina come.
It's an amazing night. We're imagining how Shawn smells and how perfect he must look in real life.
The next day we're already up at 6am because we're all super nervous. We put on our new clothes, do each other's hair and makeup and eat something. Then my mom drives us to the concert.

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