Don't leave me

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I put on some makeup and some nice clothes. Then a bit of my favorite perfume. I run downstairs, grab my bike and I drive to the address Shawn gave me yesterday. He just texted me (see text edit) and I was really happy because I couldn't bear the pain anymore of not seeing him. I miss his laugh, his smile and his lips. I've seen him less then 12 hours ago but I already miss him so bad. Can't wait to be in his arms again.

Gosh I miss Soraya so much. I hope she's here soon so I can hold her in my arms again. I gave her an address close to the hotel. We can't meet at the hotel itself because fans will notice us then and I'm scared they will hurt Soraya because of their jealousy.
Then I see Soraya coming. Damn, I almost forgot how beautiful she is. Her brown curly hair dances around her head. She looking at me with her deep blue eyes and her smile is so bright and beautiful. I feel the butterflies in my stomach. And I smile at her.

I see Shawn. Standing there all alone waiting for me. He smiles at me. His smile is so bright and his teeth are so white and perfect. His eyes can make you drown and his hair is so soft and his amazing. He is so perfect and also really tall. I love him so much. When i get closer I get of my bike and run to him. He spreads his arms and I jump in them. He hugs me really tight. I put my legs around him and lay my head on his shoulder. I can smell his perfume. He smells so good.

I'm so happy I can hold Soraya in my arms again. I can't describe the feeling. When I put her down I grab her face and kiss her softly. The kiss is long and soft and more than perfect.
Then I look her in the eyes and my face turns serious. 'I love you so much Soraya, but you know, we have to keep our relationship in secret because I don't want fans to get jealous. Some people can do really bad things then to you and I absolutely don't want that. It would break me if someone ever hurts you. I will do everything to protect you. I'll give my life for you. But we have to keep this a secret.' I see tears coming in Soraya's eyes. 'Of course I understand that. I don't care who knows about it. All I want is to be with you for the rest of my life.'

The next day I have to go to school again. I don't wanna go because I know I won't have concentration to hear where teachers are talking about.
All day long I'm thinking about Shawn. His kisses. His strong arms around me. His thumbs wiping my tears away. My hands through his soft hair. His brown, green eyes looking at me. His beautiful smile when he laughs at me. Gosh I wanna be with him now. I'm in last period now and it's only 5 more minutes. I hear my phone buzzing so I take it out of my bag. I got a message from Shawn: hey babe! How's school going? Wanna hang out after school till I have to get ready for concert? Same place as yesterday?
I type back: yes sure! I'm there in 15 minutes!
After school I run to my bike. Lukas ins after me. 'Soraya! How was the concert?' 'It was amazing. I can't describe that in normal words.' 'That's so nice to hear! Wanna hang out now at your place?' 'I can't, I'm sorry. I'm already going to someone else.' 'Ow okay. Who're you going to?' 'Doesn't matter,' I drive away.
10 minutes later I arrive at the same place as we met yesterday. He's already waiting for me and just as I did yesterday I throw my bike away and run in his arms. Then he kisses me.

'Soraya?' I lift her chin up with my fingers so I can look her in the eyes. 'Yes, Shawn?' 'Tomorrow I'm going to the USA. The two concerts in London were my last shows of the European tour.'

I already thought of this but I actually put the thoughts of it away. I feel so bad right now. I can't go with him. I have to go to school and my parents will never let me go. I start crying and I'm shaking all over my body. Shawn puts his arms around me and let me cry. He goes with his hands through my hair softly and whispers sweet words in my ear. Then I can't stand on my own feet and I'm pouring in. Shawn goes with me to the ground and goes sitting on the street. He puts me in his legs and I lay my head on his chest. Still crying. I can't lose him this soon. I can't leave him behind.

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