I need you

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We landed in Canada and I see Shawn waiting for us. I ran to him and he pulls me up in his arms. After he gave me a kiss I introduce him to Nina. Of course Nina knows him already. I see her smiling all the time and she looks so happy to be with Shawn as friends. 'So you're a friend of Soraya? She must be really lucky to have you as her friend. Are you also a fan of me?' Shawn says to Nina. I see his little, cute smile on his face what he always has when he asks things to people which make them blush and feel a little bit uncomfortable. 'Yes. I'm a fan of you but now it feels so weird to be the best friend of your girlfriend and to stand here in front of you just chilling and not wanting to take pictures or something.' 'Yeah it must be strange for you. But I promise you I will be kind to you and just be a friend to you and not your idol.' 'That must be so amazing! I never thought I would be your friend or something.' Nina smiles happily and I look at her. I hope she and Shawn get good friends. Shawn winks and us and then says: 'So, I think it's time to go, beautiful ladies.' After twenty minutes of driving we arrive at our new apartment. We decided to bring our stuff there and then we will go to Shawn's house and stay there for one night so we won't have to be in a rush to make everything fine. We have a really good night. The dinner is amazing and we have great talks. We talk about how it is to be with Shawn as a friend and not seeing him as only an idol anymore. We're also joking a lot and have a lot of fun.

I wake up because Shawn is shaking my shoulders. 'Soraya, wake up. You're mom is on the phone.' I open my eyes and take the phone from him. 'Hey, sweetie. How are you?' 'I'm fine mom.' I yawn. 'But why do you have to call so early?' 'Because something terrible happened.' I get a bad feeling in my stomach. 'Wh... what?' 'Lukas is in hospital. Yesterday it went really bad with him and during the evening he fainted and woke up after 30 minutes. When he woke up he had a terrible headache and he was shaking all over his body. His parents brought him to hospital and the doctors are now looking what's wrong with him. But they're not really positive and maybe think he has tumor in his head.' I'm crying now and I don't know what to say. Shawn looks at me with a sad face. He didn't heard what my mom said but he knows something terrible is on. 'I.. I come back as soon as I can.' 'You don't need too. Lukas will understand that.' 'Mom! He's my best friend. I can't leave him alone now.'
When I put off the phone I look at Shawn, shaking and crying. He sits next to me now and hugs me. Nina woke up, too and looks really concerned. 'What's wrong.' 'Lukas is in hospital. Yesterday he had a really bad headache and the doctors think he may have a tumor in his head.' 'Gosh, that's terrible. I'm so sorry.' Nina says. Shawn gives me a kiss on my hair and then says: 'I think it's better to go to him so you can be there for him. I don't care if you leave now. I'll totally understand it and I will pay the plane tickets for you and Nina because I don't want you to go back alone. I cry even harder now. 'Thank you so much, Shawn.' I kiss him and then looks at Nina. 'So, do you wanna go back with me?' 'Yes, of course. I won't leave you alone.'
Three hours later we found a plane that leaves soon so we will take that one. We leave most of our stuff at Shawn's house so we don't have to take it all with us. We're already on the airport and Shawn says us goodbye.
Then it's time to fly back to London.

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