Last breath

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We're in London for two days already. Lukas is still in hospital and doesn't feel right at all. I talked to him and he said I didn't have to come. But I said it was the least thing I could do for him because he's already doing so much for me. He always helps me when I need him. He gave me the courage to talk to Shawn and he helped me with everything. Without him I wouldn't be the person I am now. I stay in hospital all day and night. I sleep in the room next to him and whenever he's awake I'm next to his side to talk to him. He looks worse and worse everyday. And he sleeps almost the whole time. Even when he sleeps I sit next to him and think about what happens if one day he doesn't wake up anymore... what if that happens? I can't live with that. I pray the whole time that it will get better and every time Lukas wakes up I have a little bit more hope. I haven't eat anything since I'm back in London and the nurses are pushing me to eat something so I can be strong for Lukas. But I just can't eat. I really can't. I only drink water sometimes.
I'm sleeping when I suddenly hear people talking and shouting in the room next to me. I jump out of bed and run to the next room. 'Lukas!' I see him laying there. He's making shocking moves with his whole body. A doctor is trying to calm him down and tries to push him back in bed. Then a nurse gives him some medicine and he calms down. 'Girl I think it's better for you to leave this room.' I'm crying and in shock. I can't say anything, I'm just staying there. A nurse walks to me and lays her arms on my shoulder, 'Sweetie, it will be okay with Lukas. Go to be and get some rest. Tomorrow you can talk to him again.'
I didn't sleep all night and the next morning I see Nina walking in my room. She sleeps home but comes to hospital everyday to be with me. 'Hey, how's it going?' 'Bad, I guess. Last night something weird happened with Lukas. He was shaking all over his body. I.. I'm so scared that he won't be alive for a long time anymore.' I start crying again. Nina walks to me and gives me a hug. 'It will be fine, Soraya. I promise.' I spent the whole day next to Lukas's bed. He slept all day and only opened his eyes one time but that was only for 1 second. I'm getting more scared every hour.
Two days later after a few doctors looked how it was with Lukas and how his conditions are, one of the doctors walks in my room. His face had a very serious expression. 'You're Lukas his best friend, right?' 'Yes I am.' 'He must be very lucky to have you as a friend. I think he really appreciates is that you're at his side every minute of the day.' A little smile appears on my face. 'But I have bad news. Really bad news.' The smile immediately disappears and my heart grows cold and I look at him. 'Wh... what's wrong?' 'Me and my colleagues are afraid Lukas won't make it till next week. I'm sorry.'
'We.. what?' I start crying and I fall down on my bed. I'm crying the whole day long. After dinner time, Shawn calls me, 'Hey, my love. How's it going?' 'Bad.. really, really bad. Lukas won't make it till next week...'

It's four days later. Nina stayed with me in hospital, too. She helped me a lot and I'm really glad she stayed by my side. Lukas his parents stay in hospital, too. We all feel really bad and we're all scared. Lukas looks worse and worse everyday and I lost hope. I think he won't be with us, soon, anymore... Shawn calls me every day and asks me how I am. He's really sweet and he calms me down a bit.
Two days later. I'm sitting next to Lukas his bed. Suddenly he wakes up and looks at me. 'Hi, Soraya.' 'Oh my gosh, Lukas!' I smile, maybe it's gonna be all fine! 'How are you?' 'I'm super worried and scared.' 'You don't have to. I'm here with you. Thank you for being on my side all the time. Maybe I slept a lot but I knew you were there.' I smile at him and he smiles back. 'Also thank you for always being there for me when I need you.' 'No problem, Lukas. I'll always be there for you and help you.' 'I know. I love you, Soraya.' 'I love you, too, Lukas.' 'Also tell my parents I love them a lot and that I'm grateful for everything they did to me.' 'Why don't you tell it yourself. I'll ask them to come. I almost wanna walk to them when Lukas grabs my hand. 'Don't go, Soraya. If you leave now I don't know if you're gonna see me back alive. I.. I...' Then he let's go my hand. His arm falls next to his body. His eyes close and his head rolls down to the left. He breaths out his last breath and then all his movements stop...

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