Love at first sight

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We're waiting for the M&G. I'm so fucking excited. In a few minutes I will touch Shawn.
It's my turn now. My heart is beating so fast that it hurts. Shawn smiles at me. I smile back. I can see Shawn is blushing a bit. 'Hey, beauty.' Shawn says. I almost melt. He called me beauty!
'Hey,' I can't say anything, only a simple hey. He's still looking at me. His eyes are so perfect and he's so tall. He also smells like an angel. Damn. 'How do you want your pose?' 'Uhm..uh,' I forgot how to speak. But Shawn knows what to do. He wraps his arms around me and says I have to look at the camera and smile. So I smile, still don't know how to move or talk. Shawn lets me go. He lays his hands on my shoulders. 'Are you okay?' He asks. 'Yea..yeah.' Fuck he probably noticed how nervous I am. 'Good to hear that. By the way, you have beautiful eyes.' 'Th.. thank you so much.' I blush. Shawn smiles at me. Suddenly I remember what I wanted to ask him. 'Hey, one last thing. Are you feeling okay lately? Because I have the feeling hat you're really tired.' 'Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.' 'No problem!' 'I think it's time for another fan now. I'm sorry.' 'It's okay. Bye. I love you.' 'I love you too, sweetie.' I walk away. I can barely walk because I'm shaking so much. Melissa and Nina are waiting for me. 'Are you okay?' Nina asks. 'Yeah, he's just too perfect for me. I need some time to process that.'

Another fan is walking toward me. I smile at her and she smiles back. Damn, that girl looks so beautiful and kind. I get a strange feeling in my belly and I start blushing.
Gosh Shawn, you can't feel like that. This is a fan.
I say hey to her and I keep looking at her. Her eyes look like an ocean and her hair is like that of an angel. She smells like she just came from a field full of roses.
I ask her what pose she wants but it seems she can't say anything. So I wrap my arms around her and tell her to smile at the camera. After the photo is taken I lay my hands on her shoulders and look in her beautiful eyes. She smiles at me. I've never seen that kind of smile in my entire life. I decide to say that she has beautiful eyes. It makes her blush. After she asked me I'm okay (which was really, really sweet of her) I have to let her go because there are more fans waiting. I feel so bad when I see her walking away. I really want to see her again.

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