Happily ever after

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'Shawn! Do you wanna take Skylar out of bed and put her some new clothes on? I'm feeding Samantha right now so I can't go anywhere.' 'Sure, honey.' Shawn walks over and kisses me on the cheek before he walks upstairs. We've been married for almost 2 years now and I've never felt any happier in my life then the last 2 years. Three months ago our incredibly cute twins were born. They're both girls and they look exactly like each other. The have my eyes but the other things are all Shawn's. They look like Shawn when he was a baby only with my eyes. It's so cute. It is hard to have twins because you have to do everything double. Fortunately, Shawn isn't busy lately. He's not on tour and won't do anything exhausting before the twins are one year old. He's only working on one new song and he has some small things to do, but most of the time he's home so he can be with the babies and helps me with them. I can hear Skylar crying upstairs, then she stops and a few seconds later I hear her cute, little laugh and Shawn saying cute, sweet words to her. Samantha stopped drinking and she's slowly falling asleep. Then Shawn comes downstairs with in his strong arms our little Skylar. She has her eyes open and she looks satisfied in the safe arms of her dad. 'What do we have amazing cute daughters.' Shawn looks so proud when he takes place next to me. But he can't look prouder then the day he first held both of them in his arms. It was on a sunny day halfway June when the twins were born. I remember that Shawn was even more scared then I was, he was with me, all the time. He held my hand and when the babies were born his smile was so big and he looked so proud. I start smiling thinking of that memory. 'What's up?' 'Ow, I was thinking back to the day Skylar and Samantha were born. That smile on your face and the look in your eyes. Everything was so perfect and I felt so happy, and I still do!' 'Me too, I can't imagine how my life would be if I didn't met you.' ' Me neither.' Then I kiss him. This kiss feels like all our emotions and all our love for each other is in there. It's so strong and so passionated that I can't even describe it. This is the man I wanna spend my life with. This is the man I wanna grow old with and I want our kids to see how much we love each other. I want them to say: 'Look at mommy and daddy. Look how much they love each other.'
That's all I want and that's all what matters.

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