Supermarket Flowers

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It's three days now since Lukas died. Since then I haven't eaten or slept. Shawn stayed next to me all the time. Holding me in his arms, trying to let me eat or at least drink something. It didn't work.
A day after tomorrow will be his funeral. I'm afraid to go because I think I can't stay strong their. Shawn and Nina will go with me, but still, what if I can't stand on my legs normal. I promised Lukas to sing his favorite song on his funeral, so i will do that for him. I can play the song on the piano and I hope my voice won't leave me there. I hope I can sing it.

Two days later
I'm wearing a black dress with no makeup because if I cry it will mess up everything. Shawn and Nina are walking on both sides next to me. With them at my side I feel a bit better and stronger. I can do this. I'll do it for you Lukas.
One hour later it's time to sing the song. 'Good luck, baby girl.' Shawn looks up to me and gives me a little smile, 'you can do this.' 'Thank you.' I smile back with tears in my eyes. I'm walking toward the piano. Everyone is staring at me and it makes me really nervous. But I pretend I don't care and I take my seat at the piano. But then I remember I first wanted to say something so I get back up and take the microphone. 'Hello everyone. I'm here to sing a song for the best friend I ever had in my life. Lukas was a really special boy. He was always here for me to help me when I needed them. He gave me courage and let me believe in myself. Without him I wouldn't be the person I am now. He even gave me the courage to text a boy who's now my boyfriend.' I look at Shawn and give him a little smile. He smiles back and gives a little nod. 'Lukas did that at the moment he was in love with me. But he still helped me to get a boyfriend because he wanted to see me happy. I'll never forget what he did for me. One day before he died he asked me to sing Supermarket Flowers from Ed Sheeran for him on his funeral. I told him he wouldn't get a funeral because he would get better. This isn't what happened so I'm here now to sing that song for him.'
I walk to the piano and start with the first chords. Then I start singing, 'I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill...'
My voice didn't crack and when the last notes faded away I stand up and look into the crowd. They're clapping and smiling at me. Even though this is a sad event.
At the end of everything, lots of people came to me to tell me I did it amazing and that I have an incredible voice. It made me feel a little bit better.
We're driving home. First we brought Nina home and then we went to my house. Everything feels weird but with Shawn I with me I think I'll get through everything.
'You did it wonderful, Soraya,' Shawn gives me a long hug. 'Thank you.' 'Soraya?' Shawn lifts up my chin with his fingers so he can look me in the eyes. 'Yes, Shawn?' 'I have to go back to Canada tomorrow. I have to continue with touring as soon as possible before I mess up the whole schedule.' I feel sad but I know he has to continue with it. 'Of course. I understand it. I'll come back to Canada, too, because here I have too many memories of Lukas.' 'Are you also coming back with me tomorrow then?' 'No, I think it's better that Nina and I will fly back next week so we have some time to recover from everything and to say goodbye.' 'Yeah, I understand that.'

Now when Soraya comes back next week I'll have time to prepare the proposal. I'm gonna buy her the most beautiful ring she's ever seen and we'll have dinner at a good restaurant. After dinner I'll take her with me to the lake where we went to the first day she was in Canada and I'll propose her there.
I'm getting more excited everyday.

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